Fabula - News & Magazine WordPress Theme

Fabula - News & Magazine WordPress Theme 1.2.8 Nulled

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Sep 11, 2021
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thanks to dear member @theresa submitted a new resource:

Fabula - News & Magazine WordPress Theme - Fabula is an innovative News & Magazine WordPress theme designed to adapt to multiple use cases.

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Fabula is an innovative News & Magazine WordPress theme designed to adapt to multiple use cases. Whether you’re creating a minimalist personal blog, a powerful and feature-rich magazine, a paid content platform, or a versatile news website, Fabula has you covered. Its flexible design is perfect for any niche, from sports and travel to lifestyle and fashion, offering extensive customization options to match your vision.

The theme boasts a...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Fabula - News & Magazine WordPress Theme with a new update entry:


Fixed: issues with elementor pro on draft posts
New: custom svg icon field inside the social options
New: option to disable the admin side custom columns (such as category previews, views, likes, etc.)
Performance: prevent duplicate requests in lqip handler
Performance: acf functionality related to categories
Updated: elementor pro compatibility

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thanks to dear member @work updated Fabula - News & Magazine WordPress Theme with a new update entry:


Performance: added video lazy loading
Performance: globally refactored and optimized the post featured widget
Performance: globally refactored and optimized the posts grid widget
Performance: globally refactored and optimized the posts slider widget
Performance: globally refactored and optimized the post singular widget
Performance: slightly reduced js/css code size
Refactored: reformatted core functionality and improved ajax security

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