Dynamic Shortcodes

Dynamic Shortcodes 1.5.9 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Dynamic Shortcodes with a new update entry:


* Notice: In the Date Shortcode input dates with the format ‘m/d/Y g:i a’ will now be parsed as ‘d/m/Y g:i a’ (day and month swapped)
* Tweak: Add regex-match shortcode for checking regex patterns on strings
* Tweak: added &123;post:type-label-plural}
* Fix: In the Date Shortcode dates coming from an ACF field might have the day and month swapped, check the notice above
* Minor Fixes

change log for this version on link

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thanks to dear member @work updated Dynamic Shortcodes with a new update entry:


* Tweak: ACF WYSIWG Editor fields were not properly formatted by default
* Tweak: Floating point numbers can now be used without quotes &123;+:1 0.5} instead of &123;+:1 ‘0.5’}
* Fix: Date shortcode was not working with Unix timestamps
* Fix: Shortcodes arguments that starts with a number need to be quoted (good: ‘3d’, bad: 3d). Parsing will now fail in these cases. Previously the result was a bad parse.
* Minor Fixes

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