COOWHM - Multipurpose WHMCS Template 2.3

Aug 5, 2023
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coowhm version 2.3 (28/07/2020) new features

- fix domnais dropdown in the cart
- fix currency dropdown
- improve the header (in plus & bredh version)
- add email template
- add bredh version
- upgrade docs files

coowhm version 2.2 (21/05/2020) WHMCS 7.10.2 ready
- add RTL version
- add dark mode version
- redisgn of client area template
- add breadcrumb
- update orderform template for marketconnect products
- fix some responsive issues
- other UI and UX upgrades
- fix store dropdown
- upgrade docs files

coowhm version 2.1 (08/04/2020) WHMCS 7.10 ready
- add WHMCS 7.10 template and orderform
- fix orderform
(changelog: orderforms folder, store folder, clientareacontacts.tpl, clientareadetails.tpl, css/all.css, css/all.min.css, css/styles.css, includes/verifyemail.tpl, js folder, upgrade-configure.tpl)

coowhm version 2.0 (27/03/2020) new features
- add new style
- add new slider in homepage
- add new plans in homepage
- add new features box in homepage
- add add discount box and banner slider in domain search and Knowledgebase pages
- add new login and register pages
- upgrade client area page
- upgrade datatables style
- upgrade support tickets page
- upgrade Knowledgebase page
- upgrade client area products and domains detalis pages
- new domains register, domain configuration and checkout styles
- upgrade all orderform templates and improve UI
- fix stripe issue and other issues
- fix responsive issue and other issues
- other UI and UX upgrades
- upgrade docs files

coowhm version 1.2 (28/01/2020) WHMCS 7.9.x ready
- upgrade to WHMCS template 7.9.1 and 7.9.2
- upgrade to WHMCS orderform 7.9.1 and 7.9.2
- fix other bugs (css/main.css - css/custom.css)

coowhm version 1.1 (12/11/2019)
- fix side panel
- fix search and transfer button in homepage for mobile devices
- add new style

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