Advanced Custom Fields Pro  - WordPress advanced custom fields

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields 6.3.3 Nulled

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Oct 14, 2021
work submitted a new resource:

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields - Advanced Custom Fields Prois the perfect solution for any Wordpress site.

Advanced Custom Fields Pro is the perfect solution for any Wordpress site that needs more flexible data, such as other content management systems. ACF PRO plugin contains additional custom fields of the 5th version, repeater field, gallery field, flexible content and page parameters. The ACF Pro plugin is a GUI layer for custom fields, but it is not a "wonderful 1 click" plugin. This plugin will allow you to easily save post data, but will not magically display it on the website. To...

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work updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:


  • View Release Post
  • New - ACF blocks now support the new Full Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9
  • New - ACF blocks now support the WordPress Query Loop block
  • New - Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor
  • Enhancement - Block preloading can now be disabled by using "acf_update_setting( 'preload_blocks', false );" in the "acf/init" action hook
  • Enhancement...

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anne51 updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:


*Release Date 23rd March 2022*

* New - REST API now supports the comment route for displaying ACF fields.
* Fix - ACF now validates access to option page field values when accessing via field keys the same way as field names. [View More](
* Fix - REST API now correctly validates fields for POST update requests
* Fix - Fixed an issue where invalid field types caused an error during REST API requests
* Fix -...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:


Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.12.2 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v5.12.2 = Release Date 6th April 2022

* Fix - Cloned fields in custom named options pages now behave correctly
* Fix - Default values and the `acf/load_value` filter are now applied if a field value load [fails security validation](
* Fix - The ACF field is no longer present in REST responses if the ACF REST API setting is...

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thanks to dear member @Mathias updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:


Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.12.3 - WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v5.12.3 = *Release Date 14th July 2022*

* Security Fix - Inputs for basic file uploads are now nonced to prevent an issue which could allow arbitrary file uploads to forms with ACF fields (Thanks to James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.)

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Hi. I downloaded this file and it isn't installing through the plugin dashboard. I tried the installer php file and that just produced a blank page. I need it as part of a theme installer.
thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:


  • New - ACF now has a new refreshed UI with improved UX for editing field groups, including a new tabbed settings layout for fields. Third party ACF extension plugin developers can read more about the optional changes they can make to support the new tabs in our release announcement post
  • New - Repeaters now have an optional "Pagination" setting which can be used to control the number of rows displayed...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

28th September 2022

*Release Date 28th September 2022*

* Improvement - ACF's header bar inside our admin pages is no longer sticky
* Improvement - ACF's admin pages no longer use a custom font
* Fix - Duplicating flexible content layouts now works correctly
* Fix - ACF CSS classes no longer target translated class names for sub pages, resolving issues when using ACF in a language other than English
* Fix - ACF no longer reactivates when using WPML with different domains per language
* Fix - i18n - Labels for...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

18th October 2022

* Security Fix - ACF shortcode security fixes detailed [here](
* Improvement - Field names and keys now copy to clipboard on click, and do not open a field
* Fix - The field type input now has default focus when adding a new field
* Fix - ACF no longer publishes `h1`, `h2` or `h3` CSS classes outside of the ACF admin screens
* Fix - Conditional field settings...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

8th November 2022

* Improvement - JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari
* Improvement - Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions
* Improvement - Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered
* Improvement - Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin
* Fix - Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox
* Fix - Copying the...

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thanks to dear member @Jacqueline updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

14 December 2022

*Release Date 13th December 2022*

* [View Release Post](
* New - Flexible Content field now has a new admin user experience when editing layouts
* New - Tabs for field settings in the field group editor can now be disabled via a new “Field Settings Tabs” screen option or with the new...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

19 January 2023

Improvement - Removed unnecessary “Layout” prefix text in the admin UI for Flexible Content field layouts
Fix - Dragging and dropping fields containing settings rendered as radio button groups no longer removes the selected value
Fix - Using the WordPress default_page_template_title filter with two parameters no longer causes a fatal error
Fix - Select2 inputs in the content editor are no longer receiving styles from the ACF 6 admin UI
Fix - acf_add_local_field_group() now works with field...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

5th April 2023

* Fix - 'Create Terms' button for taxonomy fields now displays correctly
* Fix - ACF JSON field group files which have unsupported keys (not beginning with `group_`) will now load as field groups
* Fix - Renaming capabilities for post types will now set `map_meta_cap` to `true` solving an issue with assigning permissions to roles for that post type

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thanks to dear member @asa updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

12th April 2023

* Fix - ACF now detects when another plugin or theme is loading an incompatible version of Select2, and will fallback to a basic select field for the field type selection
* Fix - Post Object, Page Link and Relationship field types now use a default `post_status` filter of `any`, matching the behavior prior to ACF 6.1. This can be edited per field in the field group admin or via the `acf/fields/$field_type/query` filters
* Fix - Post Type and Taxonomy key generation now uses dashes rather...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields with a new update entry:

2nd May 2023

* Enhancement - Creating a new field group from the post-save actions for a post type or taxonomy will automatically populate the field group title
* Enhancement - Empty values in list tables now display as a dash, rather than blank
* Enhancement - The `Generate PHP` export tool for field groups now displays the code wrapped in the `acf/include_fields` action hook to match the recommended way of using `acf_add_local_field_group`, and the code is formatted correctly
* Enhancement - Post count...

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