
Tag xenforo are a total of 12 Tags,Currently on page 1, On NullPro Website,It is very easy for you to discover and quickly find the content xenforo you want through relevant keywords.
  1. Quick access menu widget

    Create an HTML widget: Widget Key: quick_access_menu Title: Quick Access Menu Display positions: List of sections: Sidebar 30 Sample: <xf:css> .block.quick-access-menu i { margin-right: 5px; } .block.quick-access-menu .button { max-width: 350px; margin: 10px...
  2. [mongkolwa] Message Notification BB-code 1.0.3

    BB code for notifications in the message. You have rights to view and use, as well as style settings.
  3. [SVG] Payment Status Page

    Pages of notifications about successful and unsuccessful payment for paid services on the forum through various payment systems. In the payment system settings, in the field for the successful payment page, indicate: https://forum.site.ru/payment-success for unsuccessful payment...
  4. [SVG]Progress Bar BB-code 2.2.16

    BB code for progress bar to insert into messages. Linear: HTML 81 PHP 35 CSS 98 LESS 89 Round using table tags: HTML CSS LESS PHP 56 76 90 10 Round using column tags, BB codes are already included in the plugin: HTML 45 PHP 15 CSS 78 LESS 87
  5. [cXF] Animations 1.1.0

    Description: Add animation to predefined elements or elements of your choice with extra settings. Features: add animations to predefined elements (currently: badge for Inbox and Alerts, badge for staff bar links, online indicator) add animations to 3 separate groups of custom elements (simply...
  6. [TC] Followers & Following widget 1.0.1

    The plugin adds widgets with lists of subscribers and client subscriptions. Adjusting the style: Displaying the number of clients in the widget header Image style Only avatars Only names of koristuvachs Avatars and names of koristuvachs Avatars, names and titles of koristuvachs The work requires...
  7. [TC] vk profile 1.0.1

    Style settings: Grouping the main buttons User banner in the side block "Complaint" button in the action menu Button "Edit profile banner" in the side block "Moderator actions" button in the side block "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" button in the side block Hiding sidebar widgets on mobile devices...
  8. S

    XenForo 2.2.15 nulled full

    Hot on the heels of yesterday's XF 2.2.14 release and subsequent patches, we are today making XenForo 2.2.15 available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased...
  9. G

    [Xenforo] Prefix CSS help

    I am looking for help with CSS adding to Resource Prefixs. My admin panel: Prefix designs i have seen on other websites: How can i add css designs like that? I cannot find info on this anywhere.
  10. Metro v2.4.0

    Metro — XenForo Responsive & Retina Ready Theme We are glad to release Metro style for XenForo 1.3.6, 1.4.10, 1.5.24, 2.0.12, 2.1.11 and 2.2.7. It’s a clean and simple style that fully supports the latest XenForo community software. Metro for XenForo is fully responsive and retina-ready. It will...