
Tag embed are a total of 2 Tags,Currently on page 1, On NullPro Website,It is very easy for you to discover and quickly find the content embed you want through relevant keywords.
  1. drum

    Embed Plugin - The plugin help you insert iframes into articles or modules 1.0.1

    Inserting iframes is becoming more and more popular. However, for security reasons, some Joomla editors still limit this feature. Unlocking features is also difficult for new users. The plugin below will help you insert iframes into articles or modules more easily. Main features of the plugin...
  2. S

    No Boss Embed 4.0.1

    How it works: By installing the plugin No Boss Embed, all modules on your site will show a new publishing option. There are three embed options (iframe, Jquery and XHR) for you to load the module from any type of site. You create the module on your Joomla site and then upload it to as many...