
Tag croatian are a total of 4 Tags,Currently on page 1, On NullPro Website,It is very easy for you to discover and quickly find the content croatian you want through relevant keywords.
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    Croatian translation for [XenGenTr] 📊 Forum statistics system 2024-12-23

    Croatian translation for [XenGenTr] 📊 Forum statistics system 4.2.1
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    Croatian translation for DragonByte Security 4.7.0

    Ovaj dodatak (addon) omogućuje napredne sigurnosne postavke za XenForo forume. Prevodimo sve relevantne fraze kako bismo osigurali da korisnici koji govore hrvatski jezik mogu potpuno razumjeti i koristiti sigurnosne značajke ovog dodatka. Fraze obuhvaćaju različite aspekte sigurnosnih postavki...
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    Croatian translation for Xenforo 2.3.4

    We present to you the complete Croatian translation of the XenForo Community platform. This translation covers both the frontend and backend, and is 100% complete and optimized for XenForo version 2.2.16. A great deal of effort has been put in to ensure that every part of the interface is...
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    Croatian translation for XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.4

    Ovaj prevod omogućava korištenje dodatka XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.5 na hrvatskom jeziku. Dodatak pruža funkcionalnosti za upravljanje resursima unutar XenForo foruma, uključujući kreiranje, organizaciju, pretraživanje i praćenje različitih tipova resursa kao što su datoteke, vodiči i...