wpForo WordPress Forum Plugin Premium Addons

wpForo WordPress Forum Plugin Premium Addons 2.4.1 Nulled

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* Compatibility: WordPress 6.7
* Added: Request confirmation before deleting the account
* Added: Email notification to admins when users delete their account
* Added: Export and Import of settings. Allows you to export and import different groups of settings separately.
* Added: Automatically change a post status to unapproved when an eligible user report it.
* Added: reCAPTCHA to the [Add Topic] form in stand-alone topic creation page (/add-topic/)
* SEO Optimization: Prevent indexing dynamic URLs with get parameters for when page is generated after selecting options in dropdown menus.
* SEO Optimization: Added `rel="nofollow"` to links in the user activity and favored pages.
* Changed: Topic and post shortlinks previously showed a 404 error if the content was private or unapproved. Now, they redirect to the login page to authorize the user before displaying the content.
* New Addon: [wpForo - Advanced Reactions](https://gvectors.com/product/wpforo_reactions/)
* Compatibility: WordPress 6.6
* Changed: Display access title instead of the key in the forum access table
* Fixed Bug: Issue with deleting own account
* Fixed Bug: Vulnerability issue (Sensitive Data Exposure)
* Fixed Bug: Member search issue when use profile title
* Fixed Bug: Usergroup and User Role synchronization issues
* Fixed Bug: Editor focusing issue when using stickers and emojis
* Fixed Bug: Permission issue for Authors to use Cross Posting addon
* Fixed Bug: CSS Issue with the red circle notification on the admin bar
* New Addon: [wpForo - Groups Plugin Integration](https://gvectors.com/product/wpforo-groups-membership/)
* Compatibility: WordPress 6.4
* Added: Hook to control enabled activity types for BuddyPress integration
* Added: Better performance of Simplified forum layout
* Changed: Twitter to X, icons and labels
* Fixed Bug: XSS vulnerability issue
* Fixed Bug: User registration vulnerability
* Fixed Bug: Validating uploaded avatar files
* Fixed Bug: No way to select empty value for dropdown field
* Fixed Bug: Fatal error: array_merge() argument #2 must be of type array, null given in wpforo/classes/Activity.php:217
  • Compatibility: WordPress 6.3
  • Added: Button to copy a forum with all settings and permissions in dashboard
  • Added: Filter hook to change wpForo cache directory wpforo_cache_dir
  • Added: New email shortcodes [user_group_name], [user_secondary_group_names]
  • Added: Improved canonical URL generation and filtering unnecessary parts
  • Added: Flexible tag separator, hook to change wpforo_tag_separator
  • Added: Shortcode for activity, account, and other profile pages
    • For example [wpforo item="activity" id="1"], the id is a user ID
  • Fixed Bug: PHP Fatal error when disable following and subscriptions modules
  • Fixed Bug: Issue with arabic comma in topic tags
  • Fixed Bug: RTL issues with some font-awesome icons
  • Fixed Bug: RTL issues with tags
  • Compatibility: WordPress 6.2
  • Added: Display forum admin note by secondary usergroups
  • Updated: Decreased number of participants’ avatars on forum list
  • Fixed Bug: FontAwesome extra CSS file is not found for forum RTL mode
  • Fixed Bug: Missing breadcrumb item on forum category page
  • Fixed Bug: Incorrect number of replies on forum profile activity list
  • Fixed Bug: Small style bugs
  • Updated: New attribute boardid in wpForo shortcodes
  • Fixed Bug: Missing tooltip on post-link buttons
  • Fixed Bug: Different location of pagination button location for guests and users
  • Fixed Bug: Pagination information in SEO title of profile activity section
  • Fixed Bug: Lots of other minor bugs have been fixed.
The package include:

