WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS

Tested WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS 3.6.0

No permission to download
How to update

[Updating Shared Hosting](https://www.notion.so/Updating-Shared-Hosting-80bde60a919a43e8a4f913dfda32eb56?pvs=21)


- [ ] [Laravel 10](https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/releases) - Brings security updates and latest php support
- [ ] [Bulk contacts actions](https://twitter.com/dimovdaniel/status/1758240687105917328)
- [ ] [Agents - Assign chats to support staff](https://twitter.com/dimovdaniel/status/1757716497344893262)
- [ ] Template based bots
- [ ] Regular bots enhanced with Header,Footer and Buttons
- [ ] Sound when new message is received
- [ ] Simple update, update the project via update upload.

### 🔧

- [ ] [Quick replies manage button](https://twitter.com/dimovdaniel/status/1760423809625018743)
- [ ] Latest WhatsApp Cloud API v19
- [ ] AI reply will be sent only if regular bot reply is not send

### 🐞

- [ ] Easy bug fixes with the the LogView /log-viewer when in debug mode
- [ ] 🎄 API - https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/8538142/2s9Ykn8gvj
- [ ] 💸 Paddle Billing ( new method - can work also on older versions ).
- [ ] 🔗 Privacy & terms pages on landing page
- [ ] 🪲All Messages are on single side
- [ ] 🪲 Handle removed client
- [ ] 🪲 Handle free plan id not found or missing plans
- [ ] 🪲 Campaigns can also have null for company_id, try catch it
- [ ] 🪲Handle big number of messages at once.
[x] New landing page ( to go back to old, send us a ticket )
[x] Handle incoming Audio files
[x] Comma separated triggers in bots
[x] Language selector on landing page
[x] Prevent platform usage when limit is reached
[x] Option to show only pro plans
[x] Bot reply text is now text
[x] Error on subscribe in Stripe
[x] When selecting custom field, can give an error
[x] Bot on exact match, triggered twice
[x] Bot not triggered on exact message
[x] Apps can’t upload
Webhook → Redirect the response to another proxy (configurable by admin, per company )
Video and sound uploads / receive
Campaign template with a video inside

COPY_CODE (Promotion) button
24 hours chat notification
Add option to disable google maps on campaigns details
Reply bot value - make it as text field, so clients can enter more text there
More button is not visible in Admin→Plans
CRON JOB info - what is the correct URL
Reply bot problem with ‘
Delete company

Button “Quick reply” it is not received in the system
Apps Page, can’t upload plugin
Time zone, always UTC
Login as - problem with company_id not set and error in campaigns and contacts