- Language-Driven LTR and RTL Adaptation
- Input group page, speech-to-text functionality
- Updated Bootstrap to latest version(5.3.2)
- Updated SCSS & Mixins as per Bootstrap 5.3.2
- Updated Documentation
- Bordered Layout components & third party UI fixes
- Horizontal menu slide for fixed layout
- Carousel HTML Structure as per latest Bootstrap
- Minor improvements & Bugfixes
- Removed Portuguese language support
- Starter kit LTR(English) & RTL(Arabic) Localization
- CRUD with SQLite Database
- Docker support
- Transaction (CRUD) Example
- Authentication (Login, Logout, Register, Reset Password, Forgot Password)
- User Permission and Authorization (User: Admin, Client)
- Built-in templates for django server errors
- Localization based on text-direction
- Localization with default language support
- .env file issue with Debug mode (True was considered as string)
Nuxt 3
- Nuxt 3 Version (Initial Release)
Vue & Vue Laravel
- Migration guide in docs for major and technical changes (Highly recommended to read)
- unplugin-vue-router for typed pages
- eCommerce App
- Dashboard
- Products
- Product List
- Add Product
- Category List
- Order
- Order List
- Order Details
- Customer
- All Customers
- Customer Details
- Manage Reviews
- Referrals
- Settings
- Academy
- Dashboard
- My Courses
- Courses Details
- Logistics
- Dashboard
- Fleet (Added MapBox library)
- Front Pages
- Landing Page
- Pricing Page
- Payment Page
- Checkout Page
- Help Center Page
- Swiper Extension
- TipTap Rich Editor
- More Dialog Examples
- Form Wizard
- Vite Vue DevTool Plugin
- Plugins are now registered automatically like Nuxt and moved to src/plugins directory
- Styles are moved to src/assets/styles directory
- Directory structure updated
- SSR related improvements and fixes
- We now uses SVG based CSS icons instead of SVGs for icons
- Theme config now uses "pinia" store instead of composable
- useThemeConfig composable is replaced with useConfigStore store
- Replaced axios with native fetch API
- Replaced axios-mock-adapter with msw
- Cookie is used for persistence instead of LocalStorage
- Customiser UI (User-friendly design)
- Invoice List (New widgets)
- User List (New widgets)
- Libraries Updated to latest version
- Code now utilize auto imports similar to Nuxt
- vite-plugin-pages plugin (Replaced by unplugin-vue-router)
- axios (Replace by native fetch API)
- axios-mock-adapter (Replaced by msw)
- Bootstrap Django Initial Release
- Navbar UI in horizontal layout
- Minor improvements & Bugfixes
- Navbar UI in horizontal layout, front pages & starter kit
- Font family issue in front pages
- Minor improvements & Bugfixes
- Navbar UI in horizontal layout, front pages & starter kit
- Improved Jetstream as per latest version
- Minor improvements & Bugfixes
- Routes
- Updated Laravel 10 base Folders & files
- Updated Jetstream version(v4.x)
- Updated Livewire version(v3.x)
- Minor improvements & Bugfixes
- Bordered Layout UI minor fixes
- Updated Documentation
- Updated Laravel Verison 10.17
- Improved Jetstream
- Updated to .NET 7
- eCommerce App
- Products
- Product List
- Add Product
- Category List
- Order
- Order List
- Order Details
- Customer
- All Customers
- Customer Details
- Manage Reviews
- Referrals
- Settings
- Academy
- Overview
- My Courses
- Courses Details
- Logistics
- Overview
- Fleet (Added MapBox library)
- Front Pages
- Landing Page
- Pricing Page
- Payment Page
- Checkout Page
- Help Center Page
- Added system mode with mode select option (dropdown)
- Added form inputs hover border-color
- Template Customizer UI (User-friendly design) & Functionality
- Improved Navbar UI
- Removed flag icons for translation, instead using font icons
- Timeline structure improvement
- Updated heading font-weight
- Third-Party Libs
- Updated Docs Customiser, Front-pages & Map-box
- Chat long message sending issue without space
- Email app, remove all email lists will show a message
- Firefox issues
- Other minor bugfixes
- vuexy-bootstrapvue-vue2(deprecated) folder
- vuexy-bootstrapvue(deprecated) folder
- vite-bootstrap5(deprecated) folder
- design-files/sketch(deprecated) folder
- eCommerce App
- Products
- Product List
- Add Product
- Category List
- Order
- Order List
- Order Details
- Customer
- All Customers
- Customer Details
- Manage Reviews
- Referrals
- Settings
- Academy
- Overview
- My Courses
- Courses Details
- Logistics
- Overview
- Fleet (Added MapBox library)
- Front Pages
- Landing Page
- Pricing Page
- Payment Page
- Checkout Page
- Help Center Page
- Newly updated figma component structure with boolean property
- Customiser UI (User-friendly design)
- Updated documentationv
- eCommerce App
- Products
- Product List
- Add Product
- Category List
- Order
- Order List
- Order Details
- Customer
- All Customers
- Customer Details
- Manage Reviews
- Referrals
- Settings
- Academy
- Overview
- My Courses
- Courses Details
- Logistics
- Overview
- Fleet (Added MapBox library)
- Front Pages
- Landing Page
- Pricing Page
- Payment Page
- Checkout Page
- Help Center Page
- Added system mode with mode select option (dropdown)
- Added form inputs hover border color
- Customiser UI (User friendly design)
- Invoice List (New widgets)
- User List (New widgets)
- Removed flag icons for translation, instead using font icons
- Timeline structure improvement
- Updated heading font weight
- 3rd Party Libs
- Updated Docs Customiser, Front-pages & Map-box
- Chat long message sending issue without space
- Ideal timer button-group (nav) not responsive
- W3C for Kanban, Invoice and Few modals
- Email app, remove all email list will show message
- FireFox issues
- Other minor bugfixes
- Added "system" theme (Auto update theme based on your system ✨)
- Added Roles and Permissions app
- Pages
- Multi-step register
- Demo pages
- DataTable
- Simple table
- Autocomplete
- New components
- DataTable
- Autocomplete
- Tour
- Custom input (Radio & Checkbox)
- IconBtn (virtual component)
- AppStepper (Wizard)
- AppTextField
- AppSelect
- AppAutocomplete
- AppCombobox
- Wizard Example
- Checkout
- Property listing
- Create deal
- Dialog examples
- App dialog
- Roles and Permissions
- Align form and components as per Vuexy design
- Updated all dependencies and devDependencies
- Improved Navbar Notification components
- Updated Simple tables with vuetify datables in all the pages and apps
- Fixed Horizontal Menu popup issue in RTL
- Fixed AppDateTimePicker open below dialog
- Laravel 10 support
- Added tonal variant for MUI's Button component
- Added default color for the Floating Action Button (FAB) component
- Added custom components:
- CustomTextField component for rendering custom TextFields and Select components
- CustomAutocomplete component for rendering custom Autocomplete component
- Updated docs
- Updated all the packages
- Updated colors in MUI's theme palette
- Disabled default ripple effect from the Menu component
- Disabled default responsiveFontSizes from the MUI's typography
- Aligned typography, shadows, form elements, components and layout according to the Figma design
- Fixed minor bugs in Email, Calendar, Invoice app
- Fixed position of buffering dots in the LinearProgress component
- Fixed Name column toggle in the Column example on the DataGrid page
- Removed unnecessary vscode extensions
- Removed unnecessary data from the Pricing dialog
- Removed link to MUI's Progress from More components page as it is shown in the separate page
- Form input & Dropzone fixes
- Minor bugfixes
- Laravel 10
- Jetstream 3.1
- Minor bugfixes
- Added .gitattributes file
- Added Progress component page
- Added necessary props for the UserLayout component
- Added ability to access vertical or horizontal layout with menu without loging in
- Added articles on how to migrate from JWT Auth to NextAuth, NextAuth with CredentialsProvider and NextAuth with GoogleProvider & PrismaAdapter
- Updated docs
- Updated palette/components colors
- Changed MUI Links to Next.js Links
- Changed method of implementing semi-dark skin
- Updated MUI's theme structure which is in the src/@core folder
- Updated lang attribute on the <html> tag when the language is changed
- Updated all the packages (Refer to the official docs for the migration of @mui/x-data-grid from here)
- Fixed react-hot-toast's z-index
- Fixed duplicate user issue in User List app
- Fixed Alert snackbar shadow in bordered skin
- Fixed two factor auth dialog for small screen
- Fixed structure for all screen sizes on User Profile page
- Fixed calendar resize issue when collapse navigation menu
- Fixed shadow between nav header and nav items in the Vertical navigation menu in RTL
- Removed validation from the register page
- Added Next.js version based on MUI(initial release)
- Vite version is now deprecated but will be supported for 6 months.
- Updated structure Re-written from the ground up
- Updated documentation
- Updated all the dependencies to their latest version
- Updated Datatable Library
- Updated Full Calendar Library
- Datatables libs files as loading from single file
- jszip libs JS file as including with datatables
- pdfmake libs JS file as including with datatables
- Datatable Excel export
- Datatable button UI as update
- Minor bugfixes
- Angular version is deprecated due to less community support for Bootstrap and their libraries.