= v2.3.9 =
* Fixed anchor missing from custom links on translated pages
* Fixed compatibility issue with GiveWP not redirecting to confirmation page after donation
* Fixed edge case error with the way some plugins loaded textdomain
* Fixed notice when editing posts
* SEO Pack: Added filter trp_redirect_status to allow changing redirect status from all wp_redirect calls
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.6 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled Free
= v2.3.6 =
* Fixed error when resetting password on WooCommerce form
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.5 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled Free
= v1.2.1 =
* SEO Pack: Fixed dependency error if TP Multilingual is not up-to-date
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.5 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.5 =
* Added feature to remember user language for WooCommerce emails. Both admins and customers now receive all Woo emails in their preferred language, not just on checkout
* Improved handling of empty or invalid schema json arrays in script tags on translated languages
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.4 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.4 =
* Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Payments
* Fixed php notice about notification_id
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.3 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.3 =
* Fixed security vulnerability
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.2 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.2 =
Added Translate Page button in Gutenberg Editor
Improved TranslatePress General settings UI on smaller screens
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.1 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled
= 2.3.1 =
* Added function trp_translate to facilitate custom integrations by other devs
* Renamed possibly conflicting lang attribute of the template tag used to detect language
Download TranslatePress Pro v2.3.0 - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use Nulled Free
= v2.3.0 =
* Added compatibility with Elementor Containers for exclude/include in certain language
* Added Advanced option to change html lang attribute to a region independent form
* Fixed issue with ACF plugin when saving metabox fields
* Fixed issue with the option to Exclude strings from automatic translation when the excluded text is a substring of another excluded text
* Fixed notice in PHP 8+ versions about passing null variables being deprecated