- Add is_toggle_set template function and toggle-storage-ex backend for the XF toggle JS.
The stock is_toggled does not allow setting the default value, while is_toggle_set does.- Example of a default collapsed node-list:
PHP:<xf:js src="sv/lib/storage.js" addon="SV/StandardLib" min="1" /> <xf:set var="$isActive" value="{{ is_toggle_set($forum.node_id, false, 'node-toggle') ? ' is-active' : '' }}"/> <div class="block block--collapsible-child-nodes"> <div class="block-container"> <h3 class="block-minorHeader collapseTrigger collapseTrigger--block {$isActive} " data-target=".block--collapsible-child-nodes .block-body" data-xf-click="toggle" data-xf-init="toggle-storage-ex" data-storage-type="cookie" data-storage-container="node-toggle" data-storage-key="{$forum.node_id}" data-default-value="0" >{{ phrase('sub_forums') }}</h3> <div class="block-body toggleTarget {$isActive}"> ... </div
- Avoid duplicate some join expressions multiple times when using optimized list query add-on
A number of helper utilities designed to ease add-on development, does not have any direct user-facing changes. See README.md for additional details.
Uploaded to the resource manager to aid dependency tracking and allow updating without updating every individual add-on.
- Fix type-error when a collection is passed to the removeValue templater filter function
- Remove outdated comment in EarlyJoinFinderTrait
- Add isPermissionInUse install helper
- Add SV\StandardLib\Behavior\Cacheable behavior, to help automate calling rebuildCache (or a defined function) on a repository which matches the entity's name
- Use templater_setup code event to inject various filters/functions into multiple templater types.
- Adds the extendable class SV\StandardLib\TemplaterHelper to help add filters/functions to templates without manualy extending every templater type
- Add new template filters/functions
- parse_less_func
- abs
- array_diff
- sv_array_reverse => array_reverse
- Backport phrase_dynamic function to XF2.1
- Fix for using SqlJoinTrait and EarlyJoinFinderTrait together
- Resolves compatibility issue when using Bump Thread and Optimized List Queries add-ons together
- Fix 32bit support when detecting early-join behaviour (ie Optimize List Queries add-on)
- Move helper features for extending forum/prefix filters into Standard Lib from a number of other add-ons
- Fix triggering an error on /forums/1/page-9223372036854775807 when Optimized Query List add-on is used and php7+ type hinting is used
- Fix "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for .../js/sv/vendor/moment/moment.min.js.map"