Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro

Smart Manager for WooCommerce Pro 8.58.0 Nulled

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* Fix: 'Line Items' column not duplicating when using 'Duplicate Records' functionality in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: 'Duplicate Records' functionality not working in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Modal dialog not getting displayed in some cases
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatible
* Fix: Duplicate functionality not working for some of the fields in WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.3.0 compatible
* New: Schedule Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Update not working for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns in Coupons dashboard
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.1 compatible
* New: Support for delete media when any post type record is deleted and if the media is linked with only that post type record (Pro)
* Fix: 'copy from field' operator not working properly for 'Sale Price' and 'Regular Price' fields in Bulk Edit functionality for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Code improvements related to Export CSV of stock related data columns for WooCommerce Products
* Update: Added comments for translations
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.1 compatible
* Fix: Switching from custom views dashboards updating column state for related post type dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Replaced 'Add Attribute' and 'Remove attribute' with 'Attributes' field for WooCommerce Products in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Added 'copy from' option for 'Attributes' in Bulk Edit for WooCommerce Products (Pro)
* Update: Readme file changes
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.1.0 compatible
* New: Added compatibility support for [Affiliate For WooCommerce]( (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Orders 'Delete' functionality not working for non-HPOS stores
* Fix: Duplicated records added to grid after updating value for any paginated records using inline edit
* Fix: Unable to save edited records after successful inline edit
* Fix: Duplicated records added to grid after updating value for any paginated records using bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: Support for managing taxonomy fields in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 8.0.3 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.1 compatible
* Update: Additional links in plugin page for '5-star' and 'Go Pro' (in case of lite version installed)
* Update: Proper group titles for dashboard combo box
* Fix: Duplicate dashboard names for some of the post types/taxonomies
* Fix: Handling for blocking search functionality in Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) created for 'WooCommerce Orders' or any 'Taxonomy' dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: Display notices when editing 'Simple Search' text for Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) (Pro)
* Fix: Display notices when trying to switch between 'Advanced Search' and 'Simple Search' for Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) (Pro)
* Fix: Empty 'Quantity' column in printed WooCommerce Order invoices (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns in Coupons dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Data for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns are not fetching correctly in Coupons dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Background process notification message displaying for 'Export CSV' functionality in case of any background process running (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: Declare Smart Manager compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* New: WooCommerce 8.0.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.0 compatible
* New: WooCommerce Subscriptions 5.4.0 compatible
* Fix: 'General Settings' and 'Docs' Icons 'on Focus' CSS issue
* Fix: Advanced search with 'is not' operator not giving correct results for WooCommerce Products 'Attributes' field
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Sale Price' field getting set to '0' when updating using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Undo functionality not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit and other functionalities not working properly for dashboards like WooCommerce Orders, Coupons, etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Delete all tasks functionality not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit and Delete functionalities not working properly for WooCommerce Subscriptions in some cases (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: Setting for enabling/disabling date picker for date/datetime columns
* Fix: WooCommerce product variations title not displaying attribute list when data is sorted in the grid
* Fix: 'Date', 'DateTime' and 'Time' columns showing incorrect placeholder when using inline edit in some cases
* Fix: 'Export CSV' not working in Safari browser (Pro)
* Fix: Update the dashboard state for custom views only when the columns are shown/hidden by the view's author. (Pro)
* Fix: Functionalities like 'Bulk Edit', 'Export CSV', etc. do not consider the filtered results when switching between simple and advanced search. (Pro)
* Update: Replace the option 'Entire Store' with 'All items in search result' for the 'Export CSV', 'Duplicate Records', and 'Delete Records' functionalities when filtered data is present. (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: Import CSV functionality for WooCommerce Products
* New: Show Smart Manager button in WordPress Admin Bar
* Fix: Dashboard not loading in some cases due to 'sprintf already defined' JavaScript error
* Fix: Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: State management & other minor improvements for 'Tasks' dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Hidden option setting for controlling display of 'Manage with Smart Manager' button on post type dashboards
* Update: POT file