[Fixed] Select and send files in Android 11 and 12.
[Fixed] Keyboard on the input field.
[Fixed] Create a token for live stream.
[Fixed] Agora live-streaming.
[Fixed] Remote camera view on a video call.
[Fixed] Update last message on chat list.
[Fixed] Start calling service in background.
[Fixed] Show message type image.
[Fixed] Duplicated media file after uploading a new file.
[Fixed] Google ads – Admob.
[Fixed] Reject Google app for the “Foreground Service – Google ads.”
[Fixed] Deep Links To App Content.
[Updated] Cross App Authentication.
[Updated] AppLovin ads.
[Updated] Google services.
[Updated] For multiple packages.
[Fixed] Payments windows Stripe + Flutterwave.
[Updated] Braintree PayPal.
[Updated] Stripe version to last code.
[Updated] For multiple packages.
- [Migrated] To.Net 8.0 – Android 14 SDK + Build tools 34.
- [Added] Mediation between ads system Admob vs AppLovin.
- [Added] Rewarded Advertising System.
- [Added] A dialog box to select the language application.
- [Fixed] Start calling service.
- [Fixed] Update last chats.
- [Fixed] Delete Favorites.
- [Fixed] Show count unread message on the tap last chats.
- [Fixed] In App Billing Google.
- [Fixed] Crash app when open Pix Image Picker.
- [Fixed] SQLite Connection.
- [Fixed] Other bugs.
- [Updated] Braintree PayPal.
- [Updated] Stripe system.
- [Updated] For multiple packages.
This update focuses on enhancing the user experience with new features, improving call quality, and extending notification functionalities. It also addresses various fixes and system updates for a smoother operation.
- [Added] Search functionality with filters.
- [Added] Timer sound and quality level adjustments for Twilio audio calls.
- [Added] Notifications for incoming calls.
- [Added] integration with OneSignal.
- [Updated] Braintree PayPal and Stripe payment systems
- [Updated] Google Ads (AdMob) system, Google services
- [Fixed] Issues with the call system, last chat updates, friend request acceptances, and password recovery.
- [Fixed] Live streaming functionality and profile access for pro users.
- [Fixed] App Store review process and various other bugs for improved stability.
- [Removed] AdColony system in compliance with Google’s guidelines.
- [New] Reporting system with enhanced API for user reports.
This update focuses on fixing reported bugs and adding FlutterWave and AppLovin ads system.
[Added] AppLovin Ads .
[Added] FlutterWave Payment gateway.
[Update] BrainTree PayPal gateway.
[Update] Google Services.
[Fixed] Payment issues.
[Fixed] 10+ Reported Bugs.
- [Migrated] To Net7.0 – Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33.
- [Added] PayStack Payment gateway.
- [Added] AamarPay Payment gateway.
- [Update] Stripe Payment gateway.
- [Update] CashFree Payment gateway.
- [Update] New Cert Key.
- [Update] Google Services.
- [Update] Google billing system.
- [Fixed] Payment issues.
- [Fixed] 5+ Reported Bugs.
- [Migrated] To Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33.
- [Update] Agora call & live streaming system.
- [Update] Google billing system.
- [Fixed] Payment issues.
- [Fixed] 10+ Reported Bugs.
- [Update] To meet Google Play’s new requirements.
- [Update] Agora call & live streaming system.
- [Update] Google billing system.
[Migrated To Android 12.1 SDK + build tools 32
[NEW] Redesigned UI Theme.
[Added] 30+ New designed screens.
[Added] Shimer loading view.
[Added] New report system.
[Added] Filter by location on card view.
[Fixed] Facebook login issue.
[Fixed] PayPal payment bugs.
[Fixed] Load more messages.
[Fixed] 10 reported bugs.