- The GA4 server container URL option is OFF by default.
- Code improvements,
- New video links.
- New option allowing to send user-provided data with Google Tags. Additional information on the Google Tags Settings page.
- New options for the Google Analytics 4 tags related to GTM server containers.
- Google Tags new option: pass through ad click, client ID, and session ID information in URLs.
Fixing a possible issue related to importing Google custom events from the free version of the plugin.
- GA4 server container URL: allows you to feed a GTM server-side container with our Google Analytics 4 tag.
- Fixing various small bugs and warnings, plus code improvements.
- Unifying Google Tags IDs options for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
- Adding two new crawlers to the excluded list, ClaudeBot or SeekportBot.
- WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Advanced Marketing events will now follow the Purchase event firing options.
- Compatibility with the Fox WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin.
- Compatibility with the Handsome Checkout plugin.
- Fixing other small bugs and code improvements.
- Fixing possible speed issues related to WooCommerce products with a large number of variants. It’s recommended that the add to cart events use hooks instead of classes.
- Fixing a possible problem with WooCommerce HPOS, where the tracking type was not correctly updated.
- Small code improvements.
- Improvements in how we track Meta Conversion API fbc parameters.
- Google Ads conversion label will be added to the event instead of triggering a separate conversion.
- Changes regarding ConsentMagic cache option.
- Small code improvements and bug fixing.
- Google Consent Mode is activated by default. You can change this on the Google Tags Settings page. The plugin sends Google events with consent parameters values as “granted”. It’s recommended you have a consent plugin that manages users’ consent. Our own solution is called ConsentMagic.
- New option to disable PHP session use. If you have problems with PHP sessions, turn this OFF.
- Fixing various bugs and code improvements.
- Small code changes to avoid some possible problems and to ensure full compatibility with ConsentMagic latest version.
- Adding the Google Ads conversion value options to some WooCommerce and EDD events.
- Fixing a problem with Google Ads conversion value for the WooCommerce AddToCart event.
- Fixing a possible compatibility issue with the Real Cookie banner plugin.