Payment Reminder for WooCommerce

Payment Reminder for WooCommerce 1.0.8

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessPayment Reminder for WooCommerce 1.0.8 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 42 KB File size. From Payment Reminder for WooCommerce have 113 Views.
Payment Reminder allows you to automatically send reminder emails for Pending Payments, follow up emails asking for a review.

Payment Reminder allows you to automatically send reminder emails for pending payments, follow up emails asking for a review, and emails to customers who cancelled the order based on specific rules you create.

Email will be sent automatically after initial setup, which includes enabling reminders, selecting the interval day, and the limit on the number of reminders sent. You can also manually send emails for each order.

For example, for a specific payment method, you can send a payment reminder email if an order is still pending payment two days after the order has been placed. You can encourage customers who cancelled the order, by providing discount coupons whether or not they selected a specific payment method.

This extension automatically detects orders with pending payments and sends payment reminders. Emails must be sent to the users whose payment is still pending or who cancelled the order.

This extension helps you to collect customer reviews from those who recently purchased a product by allowing you to invite them to review the items purchased. As soon as an order is completed, a product review email is sent to user. Following that received email, user can give feedback for the purchased product in return.
Main features:

  • Automatically send email reminders for WooCommerce orders (for pending payment order, or follow-up emails asking for a review, or for a cancelled order).
  • Manually send emails for each order.
  • Automatically invite customers to review their purchase.
  • Easily access and manage the “Pending order” and “Cancelled Order” in the extension.
  • Easily enable/disable a reminder at any time from settings.
  • Set up CC and/or BCC for each email to keep track of them.
  • You can select the day to send a reminder email after the order is placed.
  • You can set the reminder limit. Email will be automatically sent until it reaches the limit.
  • You can add a discount coupon to encourage customers who cancelled an order to make a purchase.
  • You can create a coupon for specific payment method.
  • You can restrict the payment method for a pending payment order.
  • Edit the content for the email text, including placeholders for data from the order (name, order total, etc.)
  • You can customize the header, body, and footer of emails.
Extention type
File size
42 KB
First release
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