Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing

Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing 5.6.58 Nulled

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- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Updated the script to work with Google Maps.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Transferred some settings to Motors Plugin settings.
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.3
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.4
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing (Deprecated) is updated to v7.3.1
- **UPD:** Motors – WooCommerce Auto Parts is updated to v1.1.6
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.3.4
- **UPD:** Motors – Equipment plugin is updated to v1.2.0
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.1
- **UPD:** Motors - Events plugin updated to 1.4.6
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.4
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.25
- **FIX:** The autocomplete box in the "Any Location" field does not always work.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.3.0
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.2
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.3
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.24
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** When selecting any option in Listing Types, now the whole page doesn't reload to show the result.
- **FIX:** Spaces do not apply for secondary currency symbols in Multiple currencies.
- **FIX:** There is an error on the page when deleting a required category when adding a car.
- **FIX:** The navigation buttons are incorrectly positioned after activating the Image Categories widget.
- **FIX:** Category values are not displayed if it has a parent taxonomy with a required field in Add a Car.
- **FIX:** Listings are not loaded when clicking the Load more button on the Inventory page in Aircrafts layout.
- **FIX:** Filter does not work on Inventory Page in Aircrafts layout.
- **FIX:** The office map is not displayed in the Rental Form in the Rental one layout.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.9
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.1
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.2
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added Show Inputs setting for Mileage category in Listing Categories.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added image limit check for plans when adding a listing.
- **FIX:** In edit mode, an error occurs when activating the Search Filter widget.
- **FIX:** If a category in the Inventory Listing Map is in cyrillic, the characters in the category are not decoded after a search.
- **FIX:** When adding a listing, the drop-down list is not available for a plan whose listing has been deactivated.
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.3.0
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.3.2
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.7
- **UPD:** STM Motors Review updated to 1.4.8
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.39
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.5.0
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added Mega Menu to the demo import of layouts.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Optimized loading of icons on the site.
- **FIX:** Search results are not displayed when entering data in the Car Reviews tab.
- **FIX:** The Trade-In form in the Motorcycles layout does not work.
- **FIX:** Items Per Page Choices setting is missing in the Motorcycles layout.
- **FIX:** Grid Item Title Max Length in Elementor layouts does not apply to all widgets.
- **FIX:** Sold and Special Offer labels are not displayed in Dealer One layout on the Inventory Page in Grid view.
- **FIX:** In the WPBakery Classified One layout in the mobile version when Enable Boxed Layout is disabled, indentation appears between the header and background image.
- **FIX:** In all layouts when the User-Friendly URL is active, search results on the Inventory Page are not reset.
change log in link

- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.6
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.3.1
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.38
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.9
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.9
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.2
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added option to select Minimum and maximum booking days limit in Rental layouts.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added setting Return location fee in Rental layouts.
- **FIX:** There is no information about the number of reservation days on the electronic invoice in the Order details in the Rental One layout.
- **FIX:** On the booking page, the specified Working Hours option is not applied in the WPBakery Rental two layout.
- **FIX:** When disabling the Woocommerce plugin, an error occurs in the Rental One layout.
- **FIX:** In Car Rental Two layout STM Testimonials are displayed incorrectly.
- **FIX:** Multiple Choice fields in Search Options in Dealer Two and Classified layouts do not work.
- **FIX:** In Rental 2 prices are shown incorrectly in the backend when compared to the product itself.
- **FIX:** After the demo import, the Contact Us page shows an extra element in the WPBakery Rental One layout.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Made a security update.
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.8
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.37
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.5
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.8
- **UPD:** Subscriptio plugin updated to 3.1.1
- **UPD:** Motors MegaMenu plugin is updated to v2.3.13
- **FIX:** Listings don't go pending after the subscription expires.
- **FIX:** When subscribing to Woocommerce on Checkout and Thank You pages notice appears in Debug.
- **FIX:** During demo import, the paths for purchasing Business and Enterprice plans were not specified.
- **FIX:** The Listing Search Tabs element of the editor page when clicking on Edit With Elementor does not display correctly in Elementor classified layout.
- **FIX:** The year field is not displayed as a drop-down list when Number Field checkboxes are activated in the Listing Categories for Inventory page in Elementor classified layout.
- **FIX:** If the drop-down list is expanded to the top, it overlaps behind the header on the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** When pages are created, a notice appears in the dashboard in Classified layouts.
- **FIX:** Sold listings can be displayed in Listing Search Tabs, but not displayed on the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** Disabling the "Mark as Sold" Checkbox does not return listings to the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** There are discrepancies with search results when counting the number of found listings on Cars, Motocycles and Arircrafts pages in Classified five layout.
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.4
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.33
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.1
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.20
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.8
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Removed query duplicates in the filter output function on the Inventory page.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added settings for button styling for the Listing Tabs widget in Elementor Dealer Two layout.
- **FIX:** When deleting pages, a warning appears to remove images from the media gallery.
- **FIX:** In the settings of the STM Classic Filter widget for Motorcycles layout, the Post per page on list/grid view and quantity of listing per row on grid view fields are not displayed.
- **FIX:** In the Elementor Dealership 2 layout in the modern template for the Loan calculator, the color in the styles is set hard, which interrupts the Elementor settings.
- **FIX:** The description is not displayed in a single listing in the Elementor Classified layout if there is a Seller's note.
- **FIX:** Text does not change when adding or removing Compare in the Listing grid tabs widget.
- **FIX:** Text in the Contact information placeholder is close to icons in the Elementor Classified layout.
- **FIX:** Listings are not displayed on the Inventory pages of Aircraft and Moto layouts in Bakery Classified 5.
- **FIX:** There is no Inventory Layout Mode setting in Inventory Settings after demo import in Elementor Dealer Two layout.
- **FIX:** After clicking on Sign Up for registered users, it redirects them to the Login/Register page.
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.3
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.32
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.2.0
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.19
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.8.1
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.5
- **UPD:** The theme is compatible with WordPress version 6.5
- **FIX:** The homepage slider does not load completely in the Rental Two layout.
- **FIX:** In Listing Search Tabs, numeric fields are not displayed as a slider but are displayed as a drop-down in the Elementor Classified layout.
- **FIX:** In the Booking information form, blank fields are not highlighted in red immediately after data clearing.
- **FIX:** When changing colors in the Search Filter block, the selected colors were not applied.
- **FIX:** In the Rental One layout, in the Pickup Date field, there is no option to reselect the date beyond the Return Date.
- **FIX:** Number of Slots limit does not work correctly in active subscriptions when exceeding used lots in Elementor Listing Five.
- **FIX:** Removed unused listings call in MLT Search Tabs.
- **FIX:** Disabling Enable Pay Per Listing does not display active subscriptions.
- **FIX:** Columns are not aligned on the checkout page in the Rental Price Detail block.
- **FIX:** The Rental Checkout block on the Thank you page does not display the coupon applied.
- **FIX:** When you expand the Booking Information block in the Rent location field, the selected location is not displayed in WPBakery Rental Two layout.
- **FIX:** In Contact Form 7 dropdown select has incorrect styles and is not showing on the page.
- **FIX:** On the Inventory page, Google Maps requests are sent even if Maps is not in use.
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.6
- **FIX:** When the Equipment header style is activated, the user menu is incorrectly displayed.
- **FIX:** If the default title is removed in Theme options, the title is displayed as FALSE in the grid when you go to pagination on the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** Price delimiter is not displayed correctly with RTL modes in the Elementor Classified layout.
- **FIX:** In the Seller note block, text is displayed unlabeled when applying labeling in WPBakery Classified one layout.
- **FIX:** On a product page, style options are not applied to the product in the WPBakery Classified five layout.
- **FIX:** A star icon is displayed on the Inventory page when there are no listings in the search results.
- **FIX:** The Subscriptions tab does not display a purchased subscription after moving the order to the Completed state in WooCommerce Orders.
- **FIX:** The error on the Inventory page appears after installing an updated plugin.
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.4.0
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.28
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.1.7
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.7.8
- **FIX:** The Currency switcher dropdown list is not expanded in the Top Bar in the Elementor Car Dealership One layout.
- **FIX:** When clicking on Currency Switcher, the currency switch does not change in the Top Bar in the Elementor Car Dealership One layout.
- **FIX:** The year filter gave infinite loading due to incorrectly passed parameters in the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** When booking a car for several days, the cost calculation incorrectly takes into account the cost of add-ons for only one day.
- **FIX:** If a discount coupon is applied when booking a car for several days, the cost calculation incorrectly includes the cost of add-ons for only one day.
- **FIX:** Errors are displayed in the Search tab if a switch is activated in the Search Tab of the Search parameter.
- **FIX:** After loading the plugin, an error appears in the Motorcycles layout on the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** In active and inactive states, tabs have default theme fill when changing the color of only one of the tabs in Classified layouts.
- **FIX:** Small bug fixes.