Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing

Motors - Automotive, Car Dealership, Car Rental, Vehicle, Bikes, Classified Listing 5.6.58 Nulled

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- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.9
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.27
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.1.6
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.5
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.4
- **UPD:** Motors Car Rental plugin is updated to v1.7.7
- **FIX:** When the Dealership Header style is selected in Theme options, the main page in the Classified Elementor layout is displayed incorrectly.
- **FIX:** In Main Inventory Settings, the Default Title block is displayed.
- **FIX:** The Discount Price parameter is displayed incorrectly to the left of the Price parameter.
- **FIX:** When adjusting the text color in the STM Call to Action 2 widget, the entire text in the Rental one in WPBakery does not change.
- **FIX:** In the mobile version, items are not displayed as an accordion in the Boats Dealership layout.
- **FIX:** On the homepage, unnecessary items are displayed if the checkbox next to Vehicle type is selected in the STM RCT Sticky Special Product widget settings.
- **FIX:** Listing image is not removed when deleting from the listing edit page in Elementor Classified one layout.
- **FIX:** In listing edit mode in the Upload Photo block, the image is duplicated in Elementor Classified one layout.
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.16
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.6
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.25
- **UPD:** Motors MegaMenu plugin is updated to v2.3.12
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.1.3
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.3
- **UPD:** STM Motors Review updated to 1.4.7
- **UPD:** Added settings for selecting the size of listing thumbnail images in widgets.
- **UPD:** Migrated from hard-cropped sizes, which WordPress did not line up in one sequence, to sizes with flexible settings.
- **UPD:** Reduced the number of image sizes used in widgets.
- **FIX:** The picture is blurred in Grid view when there are 2 listings in a row.
- **FIX:** Time stamp is not displayed in 12h format in WooCommerce orders.
- **FIX:** There are cropped logos in the Modern Inventory layout.
- **FIX:** Coupon does not work on Price for date Period and Price per hour in Rent a car page.
- **FIX:** In the mobile version of the inventory page images are narrowly displayed in Dealer 2 demo.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.1.1
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.4
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.23
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.1
- **UPD:** STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.3
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added a warning, which appears if there is an error when loading images.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Added search based on keywords to the listing texts for the Inventory page.
- **ENHANCEMENTS:** Updated the design of the gallery and progress bar for creating ads.
- **FIX:** Loading images is long and hangs when adding a listing.
- **FIX:** Emails are spammed when some plugins are connected.
- **FIX:** If a confirmation email is enabled for a new user, users get a shortcode instead of the site name.
- **FIX:** Fixed the appearance of WooCommerce cart and checkout Gutenberg blocks.
- **FIX:** Displayed incorrect menu in a single listing for all authorized users.
- **FIX:** After changing the order status in the Rental product is available when even stock has run out.
- **FIX:** The Rental 1 template displays a button that was not previously present on the thank you page.
- **FIX:** The keyboard on Android mobile devices closes automatically.
- **FIX:** Small bug fixes.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.1
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.3
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.22
- **UPD:** Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.15
- **ENHANCEMENTS** When the value changes, all categories dependent on the value are reset.
- **ENHANCEMENTS** After adding a listing, the user is taken to the published listing page.
- **ENHANCEMENTS** Added a panel for editing listings at the bottom of the page.
- **ENHANCEMENTS** Added the ability for the user to choose from a list of possible sizes or leave the default.
- **ENHANCEMENTS** Added feature to automatically change order status to completed when payment is successful.
- **FIX:** The numbers are not fully imported to the page for adding a car from the Vin decoder plugin.
- **FIX:** reCaptcha script is triggered on the Inventory page in a disabled state on the Motorcycle dealers layout.
- **FIX:** The header overrides the gallery management menu.
- **FIX:** Steps do not work in trade-in form on the Electric Vehicle Dealership layout.
- **FIX:** In the Motorcycle Dealers layout if translated to RTL, a single listing gallery is not displayed correctly and the carousel disappears when scrolling.
- **FIX:** All new listings come out as Pending and only when the admin publishes them manually with moderation turned off.
- **FIX:** List listing one unit does not work if several are selected on the Inventory page.
- **FIX:** Small bug fixes.
- **UPD:** Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.0.19
- **UPD:** STM Motors Review updated to 1.4.6
- **UPD:** Motors - Rent A Car plugin updated to 1.7.6
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.2.0
- **UPD:** Updated preview images and their size
- **UPD:** Returned a setting to select Header and footer style in Rental Two layout
- **FIX:** Created details in the Listing item are not saved in admin
- **FIX:** Words "Active", and "Sold" on the Inventory page are not translated
- **UPD:** Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.2
- **UPD:** Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.21
- **UPD:** STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.1.9
- **UPD:** Motors – WooCommerce Auto Parts is updated to v1.1.5
- **UPD:** The WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to 7.3
- **UPD:** The Slider Revolution plugin is updated to v6.6.20
- **UPD:** Added setting to define the height of listing thumbnail in Elementor widgets.
- **FIX:** Pictures with resolutions where the height is greater than the width are cropped incorrectly in the Single Listing gallery.
- **FIX:** Seo-friendly URL is not shown correctly when using one of the filters that relate to parent-child slug.
- **FIX:** The footer is incorrectly displayed in Auto Parts.
- **FIX:** Fix Price is not working correctly in the Rental layout.
- **FIX:** Text is close to icons in Features.
- **FIX:** PayPal Settings is disabled on the Classified 5 layout.
- **FIX:** Disappears icon when editing the home page in the Rental 1 layout.
- **FIX:** When increasing image height, the indicator in the Listing list disappears.
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.1.7
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.0.17
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.20
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.3.0
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.2
Update: Motors – Equipment plugin is updated to v1.1.9
Update: Motors Listing Types plugin is updated to v1.2.14
Update: Added a new feature in Theme Options to make links in the Inventory page more user-friendly.
Update: Added a new feature to make links for multi-listing types in the Classified Five layout more user-friendly.
Fixed: Custom colors are not applied on some page blocks in Dealer Two layout.
Fixed: The setting to change the label and button link in the Header from Theme Options is missing in the Car service layout.
Fixed: If a user creates a variable product and adds a fixed price or price for a period, the estimated total is not counted correctly.
Fixed: In Theme options, add an option for the preloader to be able to specify the loading time of the preloader.
Fixed: Fixed small bugs.
  • New: Added a new Classified Two layout for Elementor.
  • Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.18
  • Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.1.5
  • Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.2.0
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.1.4
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.16
Update: Motors WPBakery Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.7
Update: Motors - Rent A Car plugin updated to 1.7.2
Update: Motors – Car Dealer, Classifieds & Listing is updated to v7.0.14
Update: The theme is compatible with WordPress version 6.4.x.
Update: The WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to 7.2.
Update: The Slider Revolution plugin is updated to v6.6.18.
Update: Update the preview design when there are no images.
Update: Optimized loading speed of dealer listing.
Fixed: The share button is not working on the Inventory and homepage pages in the Classified three layout.
Fixed: Fixed badges in Dealer two layout in the mobile version for Carousel & Mosaic gallery when 5 Actions are selected.
Fixed: Fixed mobile view in Classified layout.
Fixed: Language switcher is cropped in the header in the Elementor classified three layout.
Fixed: Pagination in mobile view does not fit in one line on the Inventory page in the Dealer one layout.
Fixed: Currency is not shown in Rental 2 when the date is missing.
Fixed: Incorrect calculation of days when selecting a 24-hour period in Rent a Car One and Rent a Car Two layouts.
New: Added new Rental One layout for Elementor.
Update: Motors Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to v1.2.13
Update: STM Motors Extends plugin is updated to v2.1.1
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to v5.1.8
Fixed: Accordions do not work in the mobile version of Rent a Car.
Fixed: Notification about the disabled Vehicle plugin is not displayed if the Extends plugin is enabled in the Classified listing layout.
Fixed: The Reset All button is displayed incorrectly in the text under the mobile and tablet adaptive button on the inventory page in WPBakery.