Maktub - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress

Maktub - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress 2.0.5

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- Fixed: Several PHP 8.x deprecations on back-end.
- Fixed: PHP warning if migrating from other EP theme.
- Improved: Multiple translations ES, FR, TR
- Improved: Updated admin framework to make it compatible with PHP v8.x
- Improved: Welcome page urls.
- Improved: Wizard PHP compatibility up to v8.x
- Improved: Several Accesibility and SEO improvements.
- Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to v9.x
- Improved: PrePros 7 config.
- Improved: Fixed PHP warning if migrating from other EP theme.
- Added: Table of Contents for Single Posts on Theme Options -> Blog section.
Summary: Multiple Features and Woocommerce Compatibility.

- Fixed: PHP warning if migrating from other EP theme.
- Fixed: Telegram always visible on social widget area.
- Fixed: Post format Gallery not displayed properly on AMP mode.
- Fixed: MutationObserver warning from Google Insights.
- Fixed: CLS warning from Google Insights.
- Improved: Multiple Accesibility and Best practices from Google Insights tests.
- Improved: Layout width for no sidebar post/pages.
- Improved: Minor adjustments to EstudioPatagon dashboard.
- Improved: Twitter icon to "X" version.
- Added: NEW! WooCommerce compatibility up to 8.2.2
- Added: NEW! Breadcrumb compatibility with Yoast, NavxT and RankMath plugins.
- Added: Option to remove headings from excerpts.
- Added: Compatibility up to PHP 8.2.4
- Added: Compatibility up to WP 6.4
- Fixed: Views counter not working on AMP posts with certain server configurations.
- Fixed: Notification bubble do not disappear when "Our themes" section is visited on wp-admin.
- Fixed: Incorrect excerpt unit on Theme Options max excerpt length.
- Fixed: Twitch social profile do not appear on header and subscription form.
- Added: *Unlimited Social Profiles, there is a new option on Theme Options -> Social Profiles to upload custom icons.
- Added: Last Updated/Modified Date to Single posts, this new option is located on Theme options -> blog -> single post.
- Added: Autoplay option to Slider Module.
- Added: Order by Post Views option on Post with thumbnails Widget.
- Added: New Tagline option for Classic header on Theme options -> header.