- New: Option to clear Static Server Cache when a post/page is updated
- New: UI option to exclude inline JS from the Delay JS feature
- Improvement: Exclude Elementor assets from Asset Optimization (AO)
- Improvement: Better compatibility with The Events Calendar plugin
- Improvement: New option to switch back to the legacy textarea for Exclusion Optimization (EO) exclusion keywords
- Improvement: New constant to completely skip the Asset Optimization (AO) module and use Exclusion Optimization (EO) only
- Improvement: Core WP files are now marked clearly in Exclusion Optimization (EO) exclusions
- Improvement: Compatibility check added for WPML
- Fix: Critical CSS toggle in the Summary Box was not updating
- Fix: Delay JS Exclusions and Critical CSS Exclusions Keyword not cleared when hitting enter
- Fix: Manual Inclusions textarea expander not working on Critical CSS
- Fix: Taxonomies not excluded from Critical CSS when Categories are excluded
- Fix: Exclude files, plugins/themes and keywords from Critical CSS generation when they are added to exclusions
- New: Granular asset exclusion controls for Delay JS and Critical CSS, allowing easier adjustments and fine-tuning.
- Improved: Enhanced asset optimization and Critical CSS generation by ignoring empty URLs and commented CSS, reducing errors.
- Improved: Prioritized Critical CSS generation before other CSS optimizations to prevent unexpected visual behavior.
- Improved: Removed certain autoload options to boost overall performance.
- Improved: Optimized API interactions with WPMU DEV hosting’s Static Server Cache for smoother integration.
- Fixed: Debug log errors when running a Performance Test.
- Fixed: Fatal error occurring when using Lazy Comments with Divi.
- Fixed: Ensured compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- New: Option to delay below-the-fold Critical CSS until user interaction for better performance
- New: Separate Mobile CSS generation when using Above-the-fold Critical CSS for improved mobile performance
- Improved: Better page caching and preloading for mobile devices for improved response times
- Improved: Better Critical CSS handling for themes which do not pass explicit IDs
- Improved: Added Critical CSS, Delay JS and Font Swapping options on the Setup wizard
- Fix: Asset Optimization Compatibility issues with Woo cart and checkout pages
- Improvement: Improved WPML compatibility
- Improvement: Improved Static Server Cache integration stability
- New: Viewport Meta Optimization for better mobile performance and responsiveness
- Improvement: Font Swapping for inline CSS font declarations
- Improvement: Caching compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency by WPML
- Fix: file_get_contents preventing Hummingbird from loading scripts in JavaScript Delay module
- Fix: PHP warnings generated by Performance test
- Improvement: Redis Object Caching integration deprecated
- Improvement: Legacy manual critical CSS deprecated (Replaced with automatic Critical CSS generation)
- Improvement: Minor fixes and improvements for Static Server Cache (FastCGI) integration
Improvement: Better integration with WPMU Dev hosting’s Static Server Cache
Improvement: Option to switch Font Swapping modes to fine tune performance
Improvement: Option to switch Font Preloading modes to fine tune performance
Improvement: Preload Caching is now enabled by default for Homepage when Page Caching is active
Improvement: Woo cart and checkout pages are excluded from optimization to prevent broken functionality
Improvement: Faster Critical CSS processing
Improvement: WP 6.6 compatibility
Fix: Google Site Kit compatibility with Asset Optimization
Fix: Relative URLs are now handled without errors when generating Critical CSS
- Fix: Font optimization causes issue with RSS feeds
- Fix: PHP errors and warnings