How to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2

How to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2

XF Compatibility
  1. 2.2.x
  2. 2.3.x
today I'll show you how to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2.
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Now You can Read How to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2 2024-06-19 version on NullPro Community. There are no files available for download. Please read the description to implement the function. From How to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2 have 1 Description Attachments, 30 Views.
Hello everyone, today I'll show you how to clean up Xenforo 1 after upgrading to Xenforo 2.
image (2).png

To clean up, there's an addon called XF1 Cleanup Command, but many users may not have CLI permissions, and I find it...
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