GPS Tools

GPS Tools 6.2.0

No permission to download
  • + Add tracks navigation on track details page
  • * Tracks list shows empty when MySQL null dates are used
* Download permission set at track level does not work
* Search filter cleared out when moving to next page on tracks listing
+ Added total distance in the track pin popup in GPX Tracks module
+ Add full screen icon to the map in GPX Tracks module
+ Add an option in GPX Tracks module to show markers in groups of clusters
+ New options to add start and end markers of the track
+ Improved options to show global value in category and track menus
+ New smart search plugin added
+ New option to customize OSM layers
+ Added support for Rewardify Points
+ Google Maps JS API update
+ Added support for marker clusters on GPX Tracks module
+ Added support to show tracks in alphabetic order in GPS Tools module
* Category description and image are not showing
* Category marker icon is not used when displaying waypoints
* GPX Tracks module does not show Google Maps RoadMap
+ Breaking Change: Added support for Joomla 5
^ Breaking Change: Removed legacy layer for Joomla 3

v5.3.8 (15-Aug-2023)​

^ Updated SQL installation file to support null dates
* Fixed issue with GPX tracks where sudden increase in speed is not detected

v5.3.7 (16-May-2023)​

* GPX Tracks module causing SQL error

v5.3.6 (12-May-2023)​

* Fixed installation error with prev version

v5.3.5 (10-May-2023)​

^ Removed deprecated code
^ Replaced JFile/JFolder deprecated wrappers with respective file system functions
* Fixed error when loading a new track that does not have waypoints
* Changed the tiles URL from http to https
* Fixed issue with gpxtracks module showing yet to publish tracks
* Form layout menu shows erorr when SEF is disabled
* CjForum tracks plugin do not use proper styling

v5.3.4 (11-Dec-2022)​

* Fixed issue with editor button plugin not inserting content into the editor
* Fixed issue with Track Info toggle option when using content plugin

v5.3.3 (18-Nov-2022)​

* Fixed issue with track selection field on single track menu item
* Removed unsued language strings

v5.3.2 (07-Nov-2022)​

+ Added support for PHP 8.1
+ Added options to show/hide statistics and waypoints table
* Tags are not saving in Joomla 3.10 or later versions
* Show Track Information & Show Waypoints Fields values cannot be unselected
* Page shows error when the component redirect to login/any page