- Enhancement: In the "Show Summary with calculations after adding contact info" setting, "Submit button text" and "Contact info form title" settings are now required to be filled.
- Fix: Calculator sends information as metadata, not as separate information that is bound to values in Stripe.
- Fix: A sticky banner is not displayed with custom images.
- Fix: In the Date picker in Two Columns dates move off when selecting month/year on the page.
- Fix: In Date Picker when selecting month/year in the mobile version, dates go outside the dropdown menu.
- Fix: In PDF and Send Quote, not all items receive values.
- Fix: You cannot download PDFs from Orders if there is a blank Geolocation element in the calculator.
- Fix: Orders do not show links in fields from the Validated form (Email, Name, URL) if the Validated form is in Repeater.
- New: Added a new Page Breaker element to add step-by-step forms and calculators.
- Fix: An error occurs when trying to view a PDF file due to a conflict with PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce.
- Fix: When there are multiple calculators on one page, multiple requests are sent from Contact Form 7.
- Fix: Values in some elements are not coming in Orders.
- Fix: If the page has a calculator with Contact Form 7 and a Sticky calculator with Default order form, then Contact Form 7 does not work.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to select the year in the Date picker element.
- Enhancement: Added "Type of label in total" setting in Image Checkbox.
- Enhancement: The address selected in Geolocation is now pulled into Webhook.
- Enhancement: When selecting only one option in Image Checkbox, the value is displayed only in Total but not in Composition.
- Fix: PDF and Send Quote are not displayed in Preview & Appearance and Submit button is not changed.
- Fix: Default value is not applied in Image dropdown and Image Radio elements if the number is hundredth.
- Fix: The old label remains after changing the value in the Default Value(s) in the Image Checkbox element.
- Enhancement: Added a tooltip for long text and long ID in Conditions.
- Enhancement: Product names in WooCheckout are shortened with the addition of a tooltip.
- Enhancement: On the Confirmation page, the page name is shortened with the addition of a tooltip.
- Enhancement: The calculator name was shortened with the addition of a tooltip in the Calculator field in WooProduct.
- Enhancement: In WooProduct Product category shortened without adding a tooltip.
- Fix: PDF does not display totals without formula elements.
- Fix: Total field settings in WooCheckout override Total field settings in Payments and Order form.
- Fix: Long text in the calculator title overrides the field in Orders.
- Fix: Required in populated Repeater does not skip Geolocation element with Multiply option.
- Fix: The "DELETED" label on the Orders page moves off if the calculator name is 2 lines long
- Enhancement: Added ability to add multiple emails to the default Order form.
- Enhancement: Added warning for the case when the user enables the Contact form but leaves email and subject fields blank.
- Enhancement: Send Quote and PDF buttons are shown when filling Order form with Confirmation page disabled.
- Fix: The Multi Range field is incorrectly displayed with a long title.
- Fix: When deleting a new Repeater in an old Repeater, the country code in the Validated form returns to the original value.
- Fix: After entering a promo code, the price is calculated at the old price.
- Fix: If one period is deleted in the Date picker with Make some days unselectable and Block a period enabled, all periods are deleted.
- Enhancement: Added new options for Click action setting of Sticky Calculator: Pop up summary, Download PDF, Share invoice, WooCheckout action after submit, Pop up on WooProduct page and WooCheckout action on WooProduct page.
- Enhancement: Added a setting to show or not a calculator in the background when the Sticky Calculator is enabled.
- Fix: Notice "Note: PDF files are not enabled" is displayed with PDF entries enabled.
- Fix: Elements are not hidden in Preview and Appearance after resetting the condition.
- Fix: Calculator is not added to Elementor Popup.
- Enhancement: In Orders, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of selection in Payment Gateways and individual Formula elements with counts are highlighted.
- Enhancement: Formula elements are displayed on WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages.
- Enhancement: In Email, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of their selection in Payment Gateways and separate Formula with counting are highlighted.
- Fix: Invalid data in one Repeater affects validation in a new Repeater in all elements.
- Fix: If a location is deleted in one Repeater, locations are also deleted in other Repeaters.
- Enhancement: Added a setting in Date Picker to prevent a site visitor from selecting several different dates or periods.
- Enhancement: Warnings show up when a user does not fill in the fields in Order form settings.
- Enhancement: Made integration of WooCommerce Meta with elements inside Repeater.
- Enhancement: Updated the view for customizing formula selection in Payment Gateways.
- Enhancement: Email and Website URLs are now displayed as links for Orders, WooCommerce, PDF and Send Quote.
- Fix: Lines from the Geolocation element from the page are not pulled up during translation.
- Enhancement: Added a setting to show calculations after the visitor has entered all form contact details in the Order form.
- Fix: The Submit button in Preview & Appearance does not change when changed via Global settings.
- Fix: When paying with Cash payment an alert comes out that the price must be greater than 0 if there are no calculations.
- Fix: Words in Conditions are cut off.
- Fix: Payment with Stripe, Razorpay, Cash payment, PayPal does not pass if there are special characters in the calculator name.
- Fix: In Conditions it is not possible to draw Range in Date picker through unselectable days.
- Fix: Repeater numbering moves away if the Repeater title is long.