Avas | Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Avas | Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 6.7.14 Nulled

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- New: Corporate Business demo released. https://tinyurl.com/avas-corporate-business
- Added: Custom Post type like portfolio, services, and team on Elementor.
- Added: Popup icon show/hide option on Avas Portfolio Plus widget.
- Fixed: Avas Portfolio Plus widget's hover icon padding option doesn't show for all the styles.
- Fixed: "Function print_emoji_styles is deprecated".
- Updated: WooCommerce template.
- New: Avas Progressbar Elementor widget created. https://tinyurl.com/avas-progress-bar
- Added: Image size option on Avas Post List widget.
- Fixed: Avas Button alignment option is not working at the front end for the Elementor old version Section.
- Fixed: Avas Search widget doesn't work on Theme Builder's Header.
- Fixed: Theme Builder's header and footer do not show on The Event Calendar event single post.
- New: Elemenetor Display Controls option added. Now you can conditionally set your Elementor's block, sections, widgets, etc via the Advance Tab.
- Added: 3.5K+ Icons in the Elementor Icons library.
- Added: New style and options on Avas Button widget.
- Added: Icon and other options on Avas Image Box widget.
- Fixed: Avas Image Box widget icon big size issue.
- New: Beauty Salon demo released. https://tinyurl.com/avas-beauty-salon
- New: Elemetor Marquee widget created.
- Added: Text Stroke option in Avas Heading widget.
- Added: Text Stroke option in Avas Animated Heading widget.
- Fixed: The Avas Post list widget excerpt option was not working properly.
- Tweak: Elementor live copy widget, section from our live demo to any other site enabled.
- Fixed: Main Header banner shows twice on Large screen tablet.
- Fixed: Avas Popup widget big icon issue.
- Fixed: The top header email address clickable function was not working.
- Dev: Updated WPML config file for the Theme Options panel.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
- New: Business Consultant demo released. https://tinyurl.com/avas-business-consultant
- Fixed: Avas Counter widget SVG icon color doesn't work.
- Fixed: Avas Icon Box button icon size doesn't work.
- Fixed: Theme Options panel's Widgets section doesn't work with Elementor.
- New: Digital Marketing Agency demo released. https://tinyurl.com/avas-digital-marketing-agency
- Added: The "Avas Portfolio Plus" Elementor widget's content margin, border, box-shadow, title hover icon spacing, Description, color, typo, etc.
- Fixed: The "Avas Dual Button" Elementor widget icon big size issue.
- Fixed: The "Avas Portfolio Plus" Elementor widget image is not displaying correctly when setting less than 3 columns, columns are not responsible, and hover icons are overlapped.
- New: IT Solutions demo released. http://tinyurl.com/avas-it-solutions
- Added: "Avas Portfolio" Elementor widget's Filter background color, border radius, Image border-radius, card padding, card margin, content border-radius, content alignment, category border, and category margin.
- Added: "Avas Portfolio Carousel" Elementor widget's image border-radius, card padding, card margin, content border-radius, content alignment, category border, category margin.
- Fixed: "Avas Icon Box" Elementor widget read more button icon big size issue.
- Fixed: "Avas Profile Carousel" Elementor widget navigation border hover color doesn't change.
- Fixed: "Avas Post Carousel" Elementor widget navigation border hover color doesn't change.
- Fixed: "Avas Testimonial" Elementor widget navigation border hover color doesn't change.
- Fixed: "Avas Price Table" Elementor widget icon big size issue.
- Fixed: "Avas Menu" Elementor widget display issue.
- Fixed: Avas Recent Post widget long length title issue.
- Fixed: Avas Team Alter widget social media not showing.
- Fixed: Avas Flip Box widget icon not showing.
- Fixed: Avas Icon Box widget icon big size issue.
- Fixed: Avas Search widget icon big size issue.
- Fixed: Avas Cart widget icon big size issue.
- New: Portfolio demo released. http://tinyurl.com/avas-portfolio
- New: Avas Portfolio Plus Elementor widget created.
- Added: One-page navigation option in the Theme Options panel.
- Added: Avas Flip Box widget background type.
- Fixed: Avas Sticky Section.
- Fixed: Avas Flip Box widget border issue.
- Fixed: URLCode deprecated PHP warning.
- New: Transportation & Logistics demo released. http://tinyurl.com/avas-transportation-logistics
- Added: Avas Testimonial rating color option.
- Updated: Redux Framework.