Astra Pro  Addon - Astra Premium Starter Templates

Astra Pro Addon - Astra Premium Starter Templates 4.9.1 Nulled

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- Fix: Users updating from v3.7.8 in some edge cases facing resource allocation error.
- Fix: Global Typography Body and Headings font family preview changes not appearing in the customizer.
- Fix: Beaver Builder page content width not working properly with block editor CSS compatibility.
- Fix: W3 validation - Role attribute is missing for Account element link.
Download Astra Theme v3.7.10 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Fix: WooCommerce - Grid layout not working properly with Products Archive shortcode.
- Fix: Toggle menu not collapsible on below IOS 13 version.
- Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 - Customizer block editor color More Settings getting oval shape around palette.
Download Astra Theme v3.6.8 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Improvement: Added WPML translation support for all customizer's strings through wpml-config.xml file.
- Fix: Elementor Pro's Header-Footer theme builder layouts does not override theme's Header-Footer builder layouts.
- Fix: Bulk action selection not working on any WordPress list table when theme's "Get Started" notice is active.
- Fix: Header Footer Widgets: Off-canvas content is displaying over Legacy widget's preview in the customizer for WordPress 5.8.
- Deprecated: Header Footer Widgets - Deprecated design specific options for better compatibility with WordPress 5.8. ( )
Download Astra Theme v3.6.7 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Improvement: Rendered Addon dependent toggle code conditionally and removed unwanted code.
- Improvement: Changed the screen reader text tag from 'h2' to 'span' for better SEO.
- Fix: Changing Off-canvas flyout close button color not reflecting on frontend.
- Fix: Broken layout WooCommerce Shop/Archive page on mobile view when using elementor template or Product archive widget.
- Fix: Next and Previous pagination button is not aligned with page numbers for mobile view.
- Fix: Added dynamic breakpoint support for the responsive view of the sidebar and main content.
- Fix: Heading color h1-h6 of customizer not working in the Gutenberg editor.
- Fix: Global headings font family not working in the Gutenberg editor.
- Fix: Footer Builder - Widgets - Right margin space not working. ( )
- Fix: Search icon color is not applying to the Standard and Transparent Header Search Box style.
- Fix: Removed the spacing applied for the menu items in the customizer section.
- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce & EDD cart - Cart and Checkout buttons not visible when multiple products added to cart flyout.
- Fix: Builder - Social Icons - Tiktok icon not appearing in customizer and on frontend.
- Fix: 'Disable Footer' option is missing in Page meta settings for new Header Footer builder.
- Fix: Removed 'Disable Footer Widgets' option in Page meta settings for new Header Footer builder.
- Fix: Sidebar block editor width changes on the widgets page.
- Fix: Off-canvas menu closes on scrolling on mobile devices.
- Fix: Customizer builder section not scrollable when multiple elements dropped in builder area.
- Fix: Theme's default margin space of OL tag apply to Elementor's TOC widget. ( )
- Fix: Menu dropdown icons showing at incorrect position in RTL languages.
- Fix: “Search” string in Search Form is not translatable.
- Fix: Transparent header showing border even if it is not set from customizer in FireFox browser.
Download Astra Theme v3.6.6 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Fix: Installing Starter Templates plugin notice's "Get Started" button not working.
Download Astra Theme v3.6.5 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free

- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.
- Improvement: Added default styling for - Site Logo, Site Tagline, Login/out and Search blocks.
- Improvement: Widget Element - block editor and design section added.
- Improvement: Theme support added for Rank Math plugin - breadcrumbs module.
- Fix: Customizer not working due to conflict with block editor JS.
- Fix: Alignment of title and content in the editor.
- Fix: WP 5.8 UI conflict with extra control spacing and section title font in the customizer.
- Fix: Widget page block editor width not appearing properly.
- Fix: Headers showing border even though its not set from customizer in FireFox browser.