* Fix: Resolved an issue with duplicated content appearing due to Site Builder layouts.
* Fix: Inconsistent spacing in WooCommerce variation product classes by updating class name concatenation for cleaner HTML markup.
* New: Header Builder - Added Polylang option type to the Language Switcher widget for dynamic URLs.
* Improvement: Mega Menu - Enhanced support for uploaded Image and SVG icons, allowing them to inherit color settings seamlessly.
* Improvement: Added responsive column layout option for the blog archive page.
* Improvement: Improved product image display case on the "My Account > Orders" page to ensure correct images for variable products and updates even after order edits.
* Improvement: Added unique CSS class for each product variation button based on term slug or option value to allow independent styling.
* Improvement: Increase the specificity of Mega Menu colors to avoid inconsistency.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Enhanced form field alignment when using the `Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce` plugin with Astra's Modern Checkout.
* Improvement: Moved the product image hover effect to the WooCommerce Addon from the theme.
* Improvement: WooCommerce – Display the product thumbnail image on catalog pages instead of the original image when the "Swap Image" option is enabled for Product Image Hover Style.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Login Logout Menu plugin that triggered a warning on the admin menu page.
* Fix: Resolved issue where on single post autoload embeded video not appearing.
* Fix: BBPress forum layout appears squeezed when Astra Pro is activated.
* Fix: Site Builder - Vimeo embed not rendering frames when used with the Site Builder.
* Fix: Resolved issue where 'Load More' button on product archive page became unclickable after multiple AJAX requests.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product Variation with buttons not updating the gallery image correctly.
* Fix: Performance delays and errors due to Outdated Image Processing Library.
- Fix: Responsive CSS gets break after last version with caching plugins enabled.
- Fix: Dynamic CSS get break after the last version.
- New: Introducing Site Builder theme preview (formerly known as Custom Layout).
- New: Introducing fresh color presets to supercharge your site design.
- Fix: Footer Builder - Above and Below Footer vertical alignment options are not working.
- Fix: EDD - Mini cart widget UI broken in the RTL mode.
- Fix: Enable Smooth Scroll to ID causes a jerk issue on the comment navigation section.
- Fix: External JavaScript script not loading properly on frontend.
- Fix: Backward managing cron run into infinite loop which exhausted CPU usage on server.
- Fix: PHP notice "Uncaught error array_map() requires 2nd parameter as array" while saving code editor from Custom Layout.
- Fix: PHP error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on string" for WooCommerce product.
- Fix: PHP error for "Uncaught Error: class Astra_Notices not found" in some cases.
- Deprecated: Filter 'astra_single_banner_post_meta' for single post meta markup has been deprecated instead use 'astra_single_post_meta'.
- Fix: get_option database call increase page loads for fetching theme options.
- Fix: exclude_from_search query parameter removed from get_post_types list to get CPTs under Customizer > Custom Post Types section, case of CartFlows Step custom post type.
- Fix: Archive - Title area 2 - Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
- Fix: Text transformed to 'capitalize' for single post titles & archive titles after 4.0.0.
- Fix: Single Post - "Read Time" option missing from metadata.
- Fix: Comment form fields should be stack on responsive devices.
- Fix: iframe breaks out of parent container on responsive devices.
- Fix: UI glitch typography input box control on Firefox browser.
- Fix: Multiple times fetching custom post types list callback executes for dynamic customizer.
- Fix: Theme preview showing title area on the banner section for the homepage.
- Fix: Importing wp-starter-content template on fresh setup overriding the existing site title.
- Fix: Dynamic customizer - Single-archive section titles and taxonomy meta names getting by its slug name instead of title.
- Fix: Admin dashboard's Site Identity quick setting link redirecting to Header Builder > Logo section instead of redirecting to Site Identity section.
- New: Redesigned the entire admin area with better user experience. ( https://wpastra.com/updates/astra-4 )
- New: Narrow Width Container layout for Single Posts, Blogs/Archives & Pages. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/narrow-width-container-layout/ )
- New: Introduced Smooth scroll to ID option for smooth scrolling to section ID on one page site navigation.
- New: Added elegant starter-content theme support for wordpress.org preview & for fresh setup. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/replicating-the-screenshot/ )
- New: Added text decoration and text transform options to each customizer typography settings.
- New: Dynamic content layout & sidebar layout support added for all custom post types. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-use-dynamic-customizer-from-astra-4-0/ )
- New: Dynamic single & archive banner title area support for all custom post types. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-use-dynamic-customizer-from-astra-4-0/ )
- Improvement: Moved Scroll to Top pro extension from addon to theme. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/scroll-to-top-pro/ )
- Improvement: Redesigned customizer typography control's UI for better experience.
- Improvement: Customizer typography & color defaults updated to get better UI experience for fresh setup.
- Improvement: Introduced new filter 'astra_global_color_palette' to extend default color palette settings.
- Improvement: Block Editor - Editor experience improved in relation with the frontend.
- Improvement: Responsive toggle selection customizer options replaced with new multi-selector control for better experience.
- Improvement: Performance related customizer options moved to new admin dashboard under Settings tab.
- Fix: Customizer's responsive font-size control UI is misaligned.
- Fix: Off-canvas - Full screen - Mobile Menu gets very long scroll when Elementor plugin is activated.
- Fix: Full Width/Contained layout Layout is showing extra padding above in the Transparent Header.
- Fix: Block editor - Getting "wp.data.select( 'core/editor' )getBlocks()" console warning in editor as being deprecated in WordPress version 5.3.
- Fix: Block editor - Button background color gets overridden by core styles for Legacy block editor setup.
- Fix: Elementor Global button style overrides theme's submenu button style.
- Fix: Getting console error in customizer when trying to update footer columns.
- Fix: Block editor - Color gradient angle input field not visible in the block settings.
- Fix: Block editor - Content background gets explicitly set to white in responsive view.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky add to cart is not working on old header footer.
- Fix: Margin applying for the last child 'li' tag inside widget section.
- Fix: Block editor - Button background color gets overridden by core styles for the Legacy block editor setup.
- Fix: Customizer - Content background color reflections not working in customizer preview.
Download Astra Theme v3.9.0 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free
- New: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.
- New: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Introduced content layout & sidebar option.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced store notice text color & background color options.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced store notice position option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product- Introduced Option to add free shipping text next to WooCommerce single product price.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced Product Variation Orientation option.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option for enabling desktop offcanvas cart flyout.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option to update offcanvas flyout direction.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option to change offcanvas flyout width.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart icon hover color option.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart Margin and Padding spacing option.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart total Label position option.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced Icon size option in the WooCommerce Cart.
- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced show/hide cart total badge option.
- Improvement: Categorized & segregated global options into respective sections of customizer.
- Improvement: WooCommerce Cart - Modify the Cart label section via Shortcodes. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/improvement-woocommerce-modify-the-cart-label-design/ )
- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_stretched_layout_with_spacing' to exclude Stretched layout around spacing CSS. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/improved-block-editor-experience/ )
- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_get_store_sidebar_layout' to extend sidebar option for the WooCommerce layout.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Margin issue for single shop page with the Full width & Contained Layout.
Download Astra Theme v3.8.2 - Everything You Need to Build a Stunning Website Nulled Free
- Fix: Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
- Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 - Image block not aligned center when Legacy option set from the Block Editor.
- Fix: Header - Account - Login popup not opening on mobile/tablet.
- Fix: The theme's responsive styles not loading with the responsive preview option in the block editor.
- Fix: Off-Canvas - button type is missing for the close button inside the Flyout header type.
- Fix: W3 validation - Parse error for background-color CSS property.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for related posts link.
- Fix: W3 validation - Role attribute is missing for Account element link.
- Fix: Line height decimal not appearing in the Global typography section.
- Fix: Block editor - Layout settings are not visible for Group block.