Articles Anywhere Pro

Articles Anywhere Pro 16.2.1

No permission to download
+ [J4] Adds ability to use an {articles-else} tag for outputting content when no articles are found
  • J3 Fixes issue with errors on PostgreSQL
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • J4 Fixes issue with SP PageBuilder edit pages breaking
  • J4 Fixes issue with is-published="true" filter not working
  • J4 Fixes issue PHP memory issues and timeouts when using complex filters
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'OR' keyword not working to separate multiple groups
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with field labels not being passed through the language strings
+ [J4] Adds ability to add a modify attribute to date based Data Tags
^ Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
^ Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
^ Refactors some code
^ Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
^ Updates translations: de-DE, nl-NL, fr-FR, tr-TR
# [J4] Fixes issue with tags being converted on pages with type json
# [J4] Updates editor button icon
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with filter on Tags not working correctly
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with filter on dates using from/to date() functions not working
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with getting parts of texts via a simple id string not working
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with images with hash info in the path not getting resized
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with operators with multiple characters (like <= and !=) not working in if statements
# [J4] Fixes issue with ARTA_COMPONENT comments being output in certain pages
# [J4] Fixes issue with Ajax component not showing up in the disable list
# [J4] Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2
+ [J4][PRO] Adds ability to use data tag values inside the id attribute for text data tags
# [J4] Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with ignore attributes not working correctly
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with utf-8 characters not displaying correctly when using the id attribute to get a specific element of a text
# [J4] Fixes issue with articles from unpublished categories showing
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue separator not working on all custom fields

+ [PRO] Passes current item (article) to the layout renderer of custom fields
+ [J3] Fixes issue with Data Tags with "meta-" prefix not working
+ [J4] Adds ability to set a class on [link] Data Tags
+ [J4] Adds itemprop and aia-label attributes to output of [link] Data Tags
+ [J4] Fixes issue with limiting text data by number of words not breaking at correct position when string contains UTF-8 characters
+ [J4][PRO] Adds ability to use an offset attribute inside the {foreach} tag
+ [J4][PRO] Adds ability to use is-current in if tags
+ [J4][PRO] Adds ability to use ranges in the limit attribute inside the {foreach} tag
# [J4] Fixes issue with php warning about undefined property src in image object in some cases
# [J4] Fixes issue with using "current" on multiple-value type values not working correctly
# [J4] Fixes some filtering on "current" article data not working when caching is triggered
# [J4] Fixes some php warnings being thrown on PHP 8.1
# [J4] Refactors some code
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with Article field id instead of name being placed in the filter or as data tag when using the editor button
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with filtering on tag ids not working
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with parameter overriding not working in Data Tags on nested subform fields
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with separator attribute not working on custom field Data Tags with multiple values
+ [J4][PRO] Adds Download Key field in settings of all plugins
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with "current" value not working in articles="" filter
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with featured="true" filter also returning some non-featured articles
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with filters not working correctly when having multiple {articles} tags on the page using different databases
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with media fields in sub rows (in foreach loop) not being dealt with correctly
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with negative values not working in articles="" filter
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with urls on tags being incorrect (using categories instead of tags)
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with urls to external articles using local SEF routing
# [J4] Fixes issue with editor button popups missing template styling
09-Feb-2022 : v12.1.0
^ Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
^ Updates translations: sv-SE
# [J4] Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher
# [J4] Fixes issue with nbsp characters being converted to spaces when using Fix HTML option.