[AndyB] Classified location check

[AndyB] Classified location check 1.3

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  1. 2.2.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business[AndyB] Classified location check 1.3 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 17.3 KB File size. From [AndyB] Classified location check have 2 Description Attachments, 2 discussion, 2 Updates, 302 Views.
Sends email to staff about classified thread being created from suspicious IP address.

This add-on is designed for very active forums where thieves log in as a user by means of cracking an insecure password. The thief will then post a new ad in a classified area on a deal too good to be true and ask for up front payment which is insecure. This add-on can help identify such a scam and will help protect your members.

(Example of email sent to staff)
pic001 (1).jpg

(Example of Options page)



All phrases start with classifiedlocationcheck_ for your convenience.

Questions and answers:

Q: What triggers an email to be sent?
A: If the current posting location is from another country from the normal posting location.
Extention type
File size
17.3 KB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. 1.3 - changelog
    Updated PHP code to fix issue with false positives.
  2. 1.2 - changelog
    Fixed issue when country not found in lookup.

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