Alistia - Classified Ads & Directory Listing

Alistia - Classified Ads & Directory Listing 1.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessAlistia - Classified Ads & Directory Listing 1.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 5.9 MB File size. From Alistia - Classified Ads & Directory Listing have 1 Description Attachments, 354 Views.
Looking for a place to stay in the area? Look no further than Alistia! We offer a directory listing html template for rental services that allows property owners to list their properties online and also allows prospective tenants to search for accommodation. With features like a fully fledged booking engine, integration with google maps, search by category or location, description filtering and more, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs perfectly. So why not give Alistia a try today?
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5.9 MB
First release
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