Aimy IndexNow Pro

Aimy IndexNow Pro 8.0

No permission to download
comes with two new translations: Polish & Dutch.
  • workaround for a Joomla! warning shown in the plugin's options
comes with a translation to Swedish.
features the use of download keys (PRO) and comes with a translation to Spanish.
  • fix an issue that could occur while generating frontend URLs on multilingual websites.
v5.0 does not require the Joomla! Backward Compatibility Plugin (B/C Plugin) to be active on Joomla! 5 anymore.

Aimy IndexNow now requires at least Joomla! 3.9.0.
- improves frontend editing support
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Reactions: Vitalic_25
- optimized media path handling (PRO feature) and an improved installer that contains an additional check on Joomla! 5.
adds support for Joomla! 5.

Please make sure to update the plugin before updating your website to Joomla! 5.

Joomla!'s backward compatibility plugin must be kept enabled on Joomla! 5.

Two Minor Fixes​

In unhandled contexts, Aimy IndexNow returned a value that has been interpreted by Joomla! as an error condition in some contexts - this has been fixed now.

Aimy IndexNow did not handle directory creation in Joomla!'s media manager (com_media) correctly. The code has been updated to ignore these events as no notifications are required in this case.

New Translation: Farsi (Iran)​
