Advanced Custom Fields: Extended PRO

Advanced Custom Fields: Extended PRO

No permission to download
* Field: Address - Added new Address Field
* Field: Address - Allows to enter/search an address with autocomplete (Google Places API)
* Field: Color Picker - Added "Return Format: Slug" setting
* Field: Color Picker - Added "Slug" & "RGBA Array" into the "Color Array" return format
* Field: Color Picker - Added compatibility with CSS variables for "Palette" display
* Field: Color Picker - Added `editor-gradient-presets` theme support
* Field: Date Range Picker - Enhanced compatibility with custom hooks
* Field: Date Range Picker - Allowed to clear to input manually when "Allow null" is enabled
* Field: Date Range Picker - Added "x" icon to clear the input when "Allow null" is enabled
* Field: Date Range Picker - Added "Prepend" & "Append" settings
* Field: Google Map - Added `acfe_render_google_map()` helper to display a map on front-end
* Field: Google Map - Fixed ACF UI settings sync when interacting with the Map Preview

**ACF Extended Basic**

* Field: Flexible Content - Fixed `get_row()` & `get_row_layout()` usage in WP Admin preview
* Field: Taxonomy Terms - Fixed ajax nonce compatibility with ACF 6.3.10
* Field Group: Small UI/CSS tweaks
**ACF Extended Pro**
* Module: Performance - Added "Hybrid" Engine
* Module: Performance - Hybrid Engine divides post meta per 2 while being compatible with search plugins & `WP_Query`
* Module: Scripts - Fixed submit button not being disabled on start
* Module: Template - Template Location can now be used in middle of other locations
* Field: Block Editor - Force array when empty "allow blocks"
* Field: Color Picker - Fixed default black & white color picker on "Palette Display"
* Field: Flexible Content - Grid - Fixed resizable area when column has only "auto" size
* Field: Google Map - Fixed PHP warning when importing field with a "default value"
* Field: Phone Number - Fixed JS initialization in repeater/flexible content on Gutenberg screen
* Field: Post Field - Fixed UI empty space when using Title + Permalink
* Field: Post Field - Fixed "Add Title" placeholder CSS glitch on new post creation when using Title
* Field: Post Field - Added compatibility with Bricks for the Content field
* Global Condition: Removed `acfe_field_group_condition` from fields settings when not needed
**ACF Extended Pro 0.8.9:**

* Field: Block Editor - Added field
* Field: Payment - Fixed ACF 6.0.x settings instructions
* Modules: Added PHP/Json AutoSync feature
* Modules: Added "Local" & "Sync Available" views
* Modules: Added DB <> PHP <> Json triangular difference comparison
* Module: Block Types - PHP sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acfe-php/block-types`
* Module: Block Types - Json sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acf-json/block-types`
* Module: Options Pages - PHP sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acfe-php/options-pages`
* Module: Options Pages - Json sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acf-json/options-pages`
* Module: Post Types - PHP sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acfe-php/post-types`
* Module: Post Types - Json sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acf-json/post-types`
* Module: Taxonomies - PHP sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acfe-php/taxonomies`
* Module: Taxonomies - Json sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acf-json/taxonomies`
* Module: Templates - PHP sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acfe-php/templates`
* Module: Templates - Json sync files are saved/loaded from `/my-theme/acf-json/templates`
* Module: Templates - Deprecated `acfe_add_local_template()` in favor of `acfe_register_template()`
* Module: Settings - Fixed `l10n_textdomain` setting as text input
* Field: Advanced Link - Reworked code & unified unformatted value
* Field: Clone - Fixed Seamless Style CSS in `acf-table`
* Field: Columns - Fixed Columns render in Repeater when user sort rows
* Field: Flexible Content - Added check in `acfe/load_fields` to avoid potential PHP warning with third party plugins
* Field: Flexible Content - Fixed "Added Layout" scroll animation
* Field: Flexible Content - Fixed Dynamic Preview Ajax when inside ACF Ajax Screen Check
* Field: Group - Fixed Seamless Style CSS in `acf-table`
* Field: Post Object - Fixed older ACF version < 5.10 Select2 escape
* Field: Tab - Fixed last opened tab preference on page refresh
* Field: Taxonomy Terms - Fixed "Level" ajax setting not working correctly in ACF 6.0.x
* Field: Taxonomy Terms - Enhanced Load Terms/Save Terms settings logic to avoid call on front-end
* Field Group: Fixed Flexible Content "Duplicate Layout" sub fields moved to original layout

* Field Settings: Bidirectional - Fixed potential php warning when deleting related field groups
* Fields: Added `acf_translate()` in `acf/translate_field/type=field_type` for all field types
* Module: Dev Mode - "Bulk actions" is correctly hidden when metabox are cleared
* Module: Enhanced UI - Fixed Tabs "Align Left" placement on User Edit Screen
* Module: Form - Fixed "User Action" uploaded files so it can be used in a later action
* Module: Form - Added "User Action" Target control before processing builtin User Validation
* Module: Form - Added `acfe/form/submit/post_append_terms` filter to change the `wp_set_object_terms` append
* Module: Settings - Added `rest_api_enabled` `rest_api_format` `rest_api_embed_links` `preload_blocks` `enable_shortcode` settings
* General: Fixed various ACF 6.0.x CSS
* General: Added multiple plugin activation warning messages
* General: Added select2 hooks controls to avoid initialize without `field` instance
* General: Introduced `acfe.FieldExtender` and deprecated `acfe.fieldExtend`
* General: Introduced `acfe.Modal` and deprecated `acfe.Popup`
* General: Replaced `_.escape()` with `acf.strEscape()`