Add-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

Add-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features 3.2.2

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessAdd-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features 3.2.2 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 607.8 KB File size. From Add-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features have 1 Description Attachments, 208 Views.
The add-on is included in the Cross-up - sell add-ons package for CS-Cart (supplied free for package owners)

Imagine that your store will take care of maximizing your profits from sales and displays a block with product offers, that very likely will be interested by client.
Moreover, you do not need to do a great work. Configure the selection rules for the categories of goods and CS-Cart will make everything else.

Intellectual selection by features - is a great solution for cross-selling​

Addon functionality gives you possibility of product selection based on:

  • product categories (yes .... for category "Notebooks" we can select products from the category "Computer mouse" "Bags for laptops" and any others, that you want)
  • product features (yes .... for laptops with 17-inch screen size addon will select bags for notebooks with 15.6-inch
  • price range (yes .... to expensive laptops, you can customize the output of expensive bags or mouses
  • product availability (yes .... the system will not show products, which are currently not available)
You can create an unlimited number of product selection rules, apply sorting, mix products, selected from the different rules. We also do not allow duplicated products in block.

Addon provides high speed performance (no brakes !!!)​

This module is designed and developed in a way to spend a minimum of resources: no matter how many related items will be displayed on the product page.

  • addon was tested on stores with 50,000+ products and more than 1000 features with a large number of variants (for example, only about 1,000 brands)
  • in frontend we have a great speed of content rendering in block (even if tabs content 100 - 150 product items)

Actual data in block​

Important condition is that product in block must have a non-zero price and in stock availability, this is why we provide a mechanism that allows data updating even if you do not use scheduled updates (in cron), the system detects when the page generation that regard last updated for a long time (you can cofigure in addon settings number of days for cache results) and will update all the links that are used to generate commodity tabs in the product (but on a global level, all products that use the same rules for selection, also update the cache blocks - tabs)

Usability for store admin​

  • the administrative section of the module has an intuitive interface according the style of CS-Cart (which is considered as one of the most friendly among e-commece solutions)
  • after addon installation with clicking link "Help" you will see a complete illustrated guide to the functionality (described in full-cycle)

SEO optimised​

  • we use Ajax to load tabs content, thats wy we do not reduce SEO for main keywords
  • large number of goods in the tabs does not slow down the generation of the product page as a whole (test results on Google PageSpeed Insights revealed that the page continues to work in the so-called green zone (sometimes block was given to about 150 items - analogues or accessories-goods)
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607.8 KB
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