4SEO  PRO - joomla seo plugin

4SEO PRO - joomla seo plugin

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- Windows Defender may sometimes flag 4SEO 5.4.0 as a malware
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- new All rules definitions now have a Notes free text field to log changes and details about the rule
- chg Perf: only load API response handler on API requests
- bug If an error happens when saving an alias to the database, the error message is not logged nor displayed
- bug Possible fatal error when viewing the dashboard Search Console data if no data is cached or present
- bug Sitemap not submitted to Google when submission is triggered manually from the user interface
- bug On the Pages page, long URLs are correctly truncated but cause the icon and the URL to be displayed on 2 lines
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Reactions: mosab
- chg Fixed Polish translation for Search Console CTR - thanks Chris
- bug On larger sitemaps, with multiple sitemaps subfiles, some URLs may sometimes not be included
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Reactions: mosab and lorus
  • chg 4SEO frontend icon may not be visible on some YooTheme template, added some styles
  • chg Built-in shortcodes are now also replaced in all structured data text fields
  • chg Protect against SEF plugin having option custom domain option filled-in, may cause pages to be considered non-canonical
  • chg Avoid encoding & signs found in invalid URLs when adding them to sitemaps
  • bug Posisble PHP deprecation warning on recent PHP versions when viewing the sitemap (creation of dynamic property)
  • bug Content replacement does not happen if Hn titles protection option is enabled and there are multiple identical Hn titles on the page
  • bug When redirecting a non-SEF URL to its SEF equivalent, if the target is also a non-SEF for some reason, 4SEO should not redirect at all
  • bug Meta description is encoded once too many, causing & sign to be output as &
  • bug Don't try to submit just generated sitemap to Google if not connected to Search Console
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Reactions: lorus
- chg On Broken links page, when the `Errors` selector is active, also show pages that have no error status. Previously, they were only shown when selecting `All`
- bug Core Web Vitals data not stored to database due to addition of INP metric
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- new Sitemaps are now submitted to Google using the Search Console connection, if present. Manual submission also possible from within the Sitemaps page.
- new Redesigned Sitemaps page. When connected to Google Search console, now shows details of sitemaps registered with Google, including pages and images submitted
- new Added content replacer rule option to prevent replacement to happen in title tags content (H1, H2, H3, etc)
- new Added new type of redirect rule, to redirect one or more non-SEF URLs to their SEF version
- new Added support for upcoming `INP` Google Core Web Vitals metric to Performance measurement
- chg Added help text to Aliases page, that they are created using the Aliases tab of any page
- chg Removed some logging instructions that may cause sometimes memory errors
- chg Enforce links protection in replacer rules if replacement is set to Metadata
- chg Added ability to extract images that are lazy-loaded with javascript, reading the image URL by default from the data-src attribute. Also added a filter to add more attributes as needed
- chg For all rules, if `When to run` URL starts with `/index.php?`, the `Disregard query string` is now automatically disabled
- chg When analyzing external pages, do not send the 4SEO security key. If the other site also runs 4SEO, it will respond with a 404 even if the page actually works, because the security cron keys don't match
- bug Notification icon misses a title
- bug Keywords list on Dashboard Google Search Console display is not keyboard-accessible
- bug Text color for red background warnings lacks contrast on small text
- bug When rendering error page on Joomla 4 and 5, some events may not be triggered
- bug Add/refresh page dialog is not full height
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Reactions: lorus
- Accomodate pages where some custom javascript code has been added that includes invalid html tags in text strings, thus breaking cron or performance measurements pixels injection
- Removed use of int(nn) in SQL tables declaration or update
- Suppress button press highlighting by some browser on mobile devices
- Updated ESBuild config to use actual file content hashes (esbuild hashes are not content hashes)
- Added CCBot to , to prevent the CommonCrawl crawler to use your site data to train their model. After the update, you must re-apply the feature for the Common Crawl bots to be added to your robots.txt exclusions
- Added Google-Extended to , to prevent Google Bard and VertexAI bots to use your site data to train their model. After the update, you must re-apply the feature for the Google AI bots to be added to your robots.txt
- Minor tweaks for Joomla 5 compatibility
- Added ability to add translation for new languages, or override existing translations, by dropping a json file in a subdirectory of /libraries/weeblr
- If Joomla Debug system is enabled, 4SEO won't display user-configured error pages anymore
- When customizing a URL in 4SEF, if the custom URL is an existing one, the metadata in 4SEO was lost
- Possible fatal error when using a custom field to configure a structured data date (publication, modification, etc) and a custom date format is in use through modifying DATE_FORMAT_LC* Joomla language strings
- Multipages articles are not properly canonicalized, based on whether the Show All option is enabled or not
- Possible fatal error when using a date custom field for structured data or otherwise, when the output format is personalized in certain ways.
- Inserting a local image into an error page through the editor does not show either in the admin or on the frontend
- Several language files have incorrect translation for button title
- Canonical pages that have been excluded from sitemap by a rule or otherwise can sometimes be put back in the sitemap
- Matomo noscript tag gets a double-slash
- bug Recently added new languages translation files are not packaged with the extension
- Added caption to per page title and meta description fields, to clarify their use
- Added option to configure the desired approximate length of auto-generated meta description
- Added option to list only non-canonical pages, in addition to existing 'Only canonical' option
- (Tiny) performance increase by using better MYSQL count function
- Added tmpl=form to the list of automatically excluded URLs
- Do not convert single quotes when output in title, meta description and OpenGraph and Twitter Cards meta
- Aliases are not properly executed on multilingual sites, except on default language
- Possible deprecation warning when outputting TwitterCards tags if Twitter account is not filled in
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