Zoolanders Essentials YooTheme Pro

Zoolanders Essentials YooTheme Pro 2.2.14

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Version 2.2.14 - May 31, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed support for Google API keys auth
  • Fixed support for Facebook custom app auth

Version 2.2.13 - May 23, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed compatibility with YOOtheme Pro 4.4
  • Fixed support for custom Facebook Apps authentication

Version 2.2.12 - May 21, 2024​

  • Fixed config assets duplication
  • Fixed Social Sharing mail icon fallback
  • Fixed source queries arguments reactivity


  • Form Select, Radio and Checkbox values do not fallback to text anymore, but the opposite

Version 2.2.11 - May 8, 2024​

  • Fixed form fieldset regression

Version 2.2.10 - May 8, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed database auth migration
  • Fixed Storage creation regression
  • Fixed fatal error when a Database source table doesn't exist
  • Fixed form option fields validation and support for a zero value


  • Email cloaking will be disabled only when an Email input field present in a form
  • Google Business Profile location time periods are properly merged now plus support More Hours
  • Form email action will warn against using From Email setting (use reply-to instead)
- Fixed regression
  • Like
Reactions: lorus
### Bug Fixes

- Fixed UI issues affecting dynamic workflow
- Fixed value fallback for Radio and Checkbox options
- Fixed issue with XML source not rendering certain xml structures
- Fixed Google Business Profile source edge display issue with special hours
- Fixed forms custom scripts execution when the form is rendered in a modal

### Changes

- A Sublayout element is now a valid form area
- Updated TikTok integration for compatibility with their API v2
- Enforced single events for Google Calendar source events query

Version 2.2.7 - March 14, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed several UI issues concerning dynamic content
  • Fixed PHP warning when creating records with Airtable action
  • Fixed User Level condition when evaluating a guest role (WordPress)
  • Fixed Instagram Business source config fetching large list of pages
  • Fixed form regression
  • Fixed AcyMailing integration edge issues
  • Fixed resolving global queries with multi sources and dynamic arguments
  • Like
Reactions: lorus

Version 2.2.5 - February 22, 2024​

New Features​

  • Added AcyMailing after submit actions
  • Added XML File and XML Stream sources
  • Added Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA alternative
  • Added action conditions to Mailchimp and Validation actions

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed RSS source caching
  • Fixed Mailchimp action birthday merge field mapping
  • Fixed Google Business Profile special hours display
  • Fixed Google Calendar API default event types