XStore - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

XStore - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 9.3.14 Nulled

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  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0.2
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.5
  • ADDED: Filters to allow changing the swatch filter widget shape on the shop page (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: System status cached notices (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Price filter for Elementor archive template (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Shop page categories display (Forum topic)
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0.0
  • ADDED: Compatibility with PHP 8.2.x
  • ADDED: Quantity advanced option for XStore Elementor Product grid/list/carousel widgets
  • ADDED: Product attributes Elementor Single product builder widget (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: PHP warning (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Incorrect active menu item of Mega menu Elementor widget (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Kirki (Customizer) errors (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Download messages for /mpc-massive/panel/extra/ wp-admin/update-core.php (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Etheme swatches errors. Details
  • FIXED: ET CORE base errors. Details 01 Details 02
  • FIXED: Custom fonts errors. Details
  • FIXED: Elementor builder errors. (Screenshot) Details
  • IMPROVED: XStore Wishlist cookies (Forum topic)
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.4
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.3
  • ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.21.8
  • ADDED: "Stretch Button" option for XStore Archive Products Elementor widget
  • FIXED: Fatal error in some cases with Elementor Add to Cart widget (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: PHP warnings in Header search popup (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Fatal error on Single product when Brands are disabled in Theme Options (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Fatal error on Single product editor (Forum topic) Details
  • FIXED: Fatal error in some cases on pages with comments (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: White background on page after clicking Copy to Clipboard button (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Auto-opening Header Cart off-canvas on document save action Details
  • FIXED: Broken styles in Elementor editor for Related/Upsells/Cross-Sells products (Video)
  • FIXED: RTL issues on Archive Products Elementor widget (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Tutorials & Support dashboard page (YouTube issue) (Screenshot)
  • FIXED: PHP fatal error (mini-cart) during some third-party AJAX requests Details (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Mobile menu editor error (Screenshot) (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Menu error with old PHP version
  • FIXED: Patch installation issue (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: 8theme price filter widget - PHP Deprecated: floor() Details
  • FIXED: PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • FIXED: Theme activation for long distance servers
  • IMPROVED: Disabled Elementor header/footer on blank template page (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Deactivated Elementor header/footer on Maintenance page template (Screenshot)
  • IMPROVED: Header Mobile menu Elementor widget (Forum topic)
FIXED: Import of pre-built WBPakery "Pizza" demo (Forum topic)
FIXED: Demo content removal for WPBakery demos with grid items
FIXED: Import of demo content 'elementor_single_products not installed' error Details
FIXED: Custom page heading image for blog categories (Forum topic)
FIXED: Description after content for blog categories (Forum topic)
FIXED: Import of pre-built Elementor "Car parts" demo
FIXED: Add to cart button missing on product page (Forum topic)
FIXED: Blog post images (WPBakery elements/blog archive page) Details
FIXED: Sales booster feature settings popup cannot be opened
FIXED: Spotlight Elementor widgets virtual categories URLs (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore Elementor widgets with WPML (Forum topic)
FIXED: All categories Ajax search text translation (Forum topic)
FIXED: Broken structure of Footer widgets added from Footer column widget area
FIXED: Fatal error on Checkout page (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore Elementor Checkout page with custom payments plugins (Forum topic)
FIXED: Fatal error Details
IMPROVED: Variation gallery with video (Forum topic)
IMPROVED: Dynamic values for Elementor widgets (Forum topic)
REMOVED: Custom size guide image for products of this category for blog categories (Forum topic)
FIXED: Server error on saving XStore Elementor Header builder in some cases.
FIXED: Double XStore AMP menu item in dashboard (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore texts with White label branding plugin (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore Elementor header Mobile menu dropdown actions (Forum topic)
FIXED: DOM broken structure on Cart page when using XStore Elementor Cart page widget
FIXED: Failed to open stream: No such file or directory (Forum topic)
FIXED: Import of Cocktails demo
FIXED: Import of Book store
FIXED: Import of demo content showing 'elementor_headers not installed :(' error despite being installed (Screenshot)
FIXED: Product brands carousel element (shortcode) in cases where brand image does not exist (Screenshot) Details
FIXED: Revslider import issue for non-registered themes.
FIXED/UPDATED: Xstore dashboard messages.
UPDATED: Google Map library / Fixed warnings (Forum topic)
UPDATED: Elementor Product Categories Masonry widgets save categories by slug (import fixes)
UPDATED: Elementor Posts Masonry widgets save categories by slug (import fixes)
UPDATED: Increased `http_request_timeout` to 60s Details
UPDATED: `et_check_domain_pattern` process.
ALERT: Important security notice - 14 issues identified and FIXED. It is crucial to update both the XStore theme and XStore Core plugin.
ADDED: "Above" option for Elementor Header Popup search widget.
ADDED: Copy URL item in Wishlist share area.
ADDED: Show subcategory path (option) for Elementor Header Ajax Search widget.
FIXED: Product thumbnail HTML attribute for SEO requirements.
FIXED: Product category display in Elementor Header Popup Search results.
FIXED: Filter by price (range type).
FIXED: XStore Elementor Header overlay in Sticky header.
FIXED: Import of sales booster.
FIXED: "Electronics Mega Market" demo import.
FIXED: Notice: Function register_post_type was called incorrectly.
FIXED: Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null.
FIXED: Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null.
ADDED: Footer content option for XStore Elementor Header -> Cart widget (Forum topic)
ADDED: Image filters for Elementor Products Grid/Archive products/Products Carousel widgets Screenshot
ADDED: Recently Viewed option for product source displayed on My Account page Screenshot
ADDED: Customizer -> WooCommerce(Shop) -> Shop -> Shop Page Layout -> "Hide categories with all hidden products" option (Forum topic)
FIXED: Elementor Marquee widget items separator
FIXED: Fatal errors in some cases with Elementor dynamic tags for Product brands (Forum topic)
FIXED: Dashboard XStore menu with light scheme Screenshot
FIXED: XStore Builders -> Cart/Checkout link in dashboard panel (Forum topic)
FIXED: White label branding plugin compatibility with XStore WooCommerce Email builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Cropped product information in Mini-cart (Forum topic)
FIXED: Access to XMLHttpRequest at JSON file url from origin ‘*’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Details
FIXED: Mobile panel toggle 2 colors (Forum topic)
FIXED: PHP fatal errors Details
FIXED: Check XStore API connection
FIXED: Download of theme update, patches, and plugins
FIXED: Fatal error: Class "Etheme_Sales_Booster_Quantity_Discounts" not found Details
FIXED: Fatal error: Class "Etheme_Sales_Booster_Estimated_Delivery" not found Details
FIXED: Fatal error: Class "Etheme_Sales_Booster_Safe_Checkout" not found Details
IMPROVED: Elementor Products Grid/Archive products/Products Carousel widgets hover effects on responsive
UPDATED: Import of demo version content
UPDATED: Staging Domain patterns system (Forum topic)
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v.8.8.2.
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v.3.21.0.
ADDED: "Hide Child Brands" option for Brand Carousel XStore Elementor widget.
ADDED: Backdrop filter for XStore Elementor header sticky.
ADDED: Hide empty categories (option) for XStore Elementor Header -> Mobile menu element.
ADDED: Option to add unlimited custom tabs on XStore Elementor Single product builder -> Tabs element.
FIXED: WPB Demos import for theme version lower than 5.3.3.
FIXED: White label plugin compatibility issues.
FIXED: Special Cart/Checkout breadcrumbs style with new XStore Elementor Header builder.
FIXED: XStore Elementor Header overlap on Cart/Checkout pages with Special breadcrumbs.
FIXED: Fatal error in XStore Compare.
FIXED: Fatal error in XStore Wishlist.
FIXED: Infinite loading of XStore Elementor Header Mobile menu element.
FIXED: Lightbox Issue on the variation gallery.
IMPROVED: Swatches list in Sidebar with checkboxes.
IMPROVED: Set default box-shadow for XStore Elementor header sticky.
IMPROVED: Elementor Price table widget.
FIXED: Elementor Sticky header width issues.
UPDATED: XStore AI GPT-4-turbo model.
UPDATED: XStore dashboard panel.
ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress v.6.5
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v.3.20.3
FIXED: Single product variation dynamic title issue resolved (Safari browser) (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore Elementor sticky header (stacked type) issue fixed
FIXED: Hidden off-canvas elements in sticky header (mobile: cart, Wishlist, account) now visible for logged-out users
FIXED: Sales booster progress bar updated with new XStore Cart builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Elementor Sidebar widget visibility
FIXED: XStore Wishlist products count fixed Details (Forum topic)
FIXED: XStore Compare products count fixed Details (Forum topic)
FIXED: Scrolling of page when Elementor off-canvas opened issue
FIXED: PHP notices (Forum topic)
REMOVED: Subscriptio - WooCommerce Subscriptions | WooCommerce plugin
UPDATED: Removing of installed demo content (terms and taxonomies)
ADDED: XStore Header Overlap settings for XStore Elementor Header containers.
ADDED: XStore Header Sticky settings for XStore Elementor Header containers.
ADDED: Safe SVG plugin to theme plugin installer.
FIXED: Import of WPB versions of the next prebuilt demos: classic, niche market.
FIXED: Single product fatal error (Forum topic).
FIXED: Double logo in mobile menu content of old Header builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Conflicts with third-party plugins.
FIXED: Ajax product sorting (Forum topic)
UPDATED: Removing of installed demo content.
UPDATED: Theme System Requirements.