- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7.1
- ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.28 (Forum topic)
- ADDED: Show product counts option for XStore Swatches filter (Forum topic), (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "et_sten_placeholder_url" filter to fix WooCommerce placeholder image not showing in variations (Forum topic)
- ADDED: "Use default HTML tags" option for the Elementor Banners widget (Forum topic)
- FIXED: PHP error: Call to undefined function "etheme_get_option()" Details (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Spotlight Categories behaving differently when clicked once or twice (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Social login issue - Add to Cart/Buy Now button missing from the product page (Forum topic)
- FIXED: PHP fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier “Š” (Forum topic), (Screenshot)
- FIXED: "My Account" page issue when navigation is not set (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Cache issue in the shop page sidebar (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Social login redirect after login process (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Term count notice for 8Theme shop page widgets Details (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Deformed images on the Wishlist page (Forum topic)
- FIXED: AJAX pagination on the Archive Products page built with XStore Archive Page Builder (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Dark mode styling (Forum topic)
- FIXED: XStore label appearing in some strings when using the White Label Branding plugin (ThemeForest comment)
- FIXED: Media carousel navigation (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
- IMPROVED: Search analytics for Mobile Panel Search and Customizer Header Builder (Forum topic)
- UPDATED: Demo import content installation
- UPDATED: Theme translations
- DEV: Added "etheme_social_login_page" filter
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7.0
- ADDED: `is_alt_shop_history` (Forum topic)
- ADDED: "Order by title" option in XStore Elementor Products grid/list/carousel widgets (ThemeForest comment)
- FIXED: Infinite scroll breaking with pagination (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Out-of-stock display on product page (Forum topic)
- FIXED: `woocommerce_product_upsell_products_heading` for single product upsell slider
- FIXED: Single product page AJAX "Add to Cart"
- FIXED: Import of Grocery Mega Market demo (Demo link)
- FIXED: Categories added via API are not displayed (Forum topic)
- FIXED: AJAX Filter works for first products displayed, then auto scroll doesn't filter (Forum topic)
- FIXED: SQL injection vulnerability in search function (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Elementor sliders invisibility (Forum topic)
- IMPROVED: Elementor Archive Products widget (Forum topic)
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.6.0.
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v3.27.0.
ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Perfume".
ADDED: Fatal error prevention on product creation with the Dokan plugin.
ADDED: "rel" option for the XStore Elementor Follow widget.
ADDED: Option to use the product attribute name as titles.
ADDED: Auto-select filtered attributes option.
ADDED: "Advanced" request type for XStore Product Status filter.
FIXED: Fatal errors on the XStore Waitlist backend page.
FIXED: Sliders option per group not functioning correctly.
FIXED: Customizer dark mode widget colors.
FIXED: Account header Elementor builder redirection issues.
FIXED: Styling for the single product variations clear button.
FIXED: Dynamic pages in XStore Wishlist/Compare/Waitlist based on the "My Account" page built with Elementor widget.
FIXED: Paragraph styling in Elementor text editor widgets.
FIXED: Waitlist popup duplications triggered by Quick View popups.
FIXED: Fatal error with WooCommerce updates.
FIXED: Fatal error on Elementor Shop Archive editor in specific cases.
FIXED: Elementor price filter AJAX result loading.
FIXED: Special view (image, title, price) for single product variations.
FIXED: PHP error: "callbacks.php on line 3179".
FIXED: Alignment options in the Customizer's Single Product Builder.
FIXED: Synchronization of product status filter with brand and swatch filters.
FIXED: Extra Swiper sliders enqueue issues.
FIXED: Conflict with Elementor's "Optimized Assets Loading" option.
FIXED: Theme import and plugin installation issues.
FIXED: Import of Industrial Power Tools demo data.
FIXED: Issues with get_product_cat_filter_ids in the product status filter.
FIXED: Precount issue for price filters when the product price is not set.
FIXED: Strict range handling in price filters with product status filters.
FIXED: WordPress E_Error type: missing format specifier on line 109.
FIXED: Issues removing applied filters.
FIXED: Price filter issues on search result pages.
FIXED: Newsletter popup "Close forever" option.
FIXED: Price filter disappearance bug.
FIXED: Search URI for WooCommerce products.
UPDATED: Dashboard texts for XStore Brands.
DEV: added "et_swatch_filter_check_empty_tax" filter for swatches filters.
DEV: added "et_only_product_search" filter.
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26.0 (Forum topic)
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.1
ADDED: Compatibility with Wordpress 6.7.1
ADDED: Sales Booster -> Linked Variations -> Settings -> “Use special view (image, title, price) for single product variations” (Forum topic), (Screenshot)
ADDED: `et_widget_cat_flter_ignore_wc_term_cache` filter to support users with stacked WooCommerce cache (Forum topic)
FIXED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout scripts and styles with the default editor (Forum topic)
FIXED: Dynamic tag options for certain fields in Elementor product widgets that should not be present (Forum topic)
FIXED: PHP notices in menu list items when using Elementor page builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Order details with tax in XStore Email Builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Compatibility with WooCommerce changes to the built-in Email Customizer Builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: Sales booster quantity discount feature where the discount value exceeded 100% (Forum topic)
FIXED: Deprecated JavaScript events (Forum topic)
FIXED: Warning: Undefined array key "post_types" Details (Screenshot)
FIXED: Product quantity status (Forum topic)
FIXED: Search results for the blog page not working Details (Forum topic)
FIXED: `php explode` error in the menu list item widget
FIXED: Compatibility with the WooCommerce Add-Ons plugin (Forum topic)
FIXED: Single product variation AJAX "Add to Cart" conflict with the "Ajax Add to Cart" feature based on WooCommerce settings
FIXED: Social login issue (Forum topic)
FIXED: Header wishlist options (Customizer builder) (Forum topic)
UPDATED: Instagram connection system (removed Instagram Basic Display API). More details: (Instagram Basic Display API Documentation), (Facebook Blog Update), (XStore Documentation)
ADDED: "Menu Order" option for Order By settings in the Elementor Product Categories widget (Forum topic)
FIXED: Resolved an issue where the category filter was not displaying correctly on the shop page (Forum topic)
FIXED: Fixed various compatibility issues with PHP 8.3 (Forum topic 01), (Forum topic 02)
FIXED: Corrected the "Pagination Type" settings under Customizer > Shop > Shop Page Layout for the default archive builder (Forum topic)
FIXED: The infinite loading issue on the shop page (Forum topic)
FIXED: Translation issue Details
FIXED: Header Builder Preset Issue Details
FIXED: Hosting Domain Issue with GoDaddy: Addressed PHP 8.3-related compatibility issues for domains hosted on GoDaddy (Forum topic)
FIXED: Sales Booster Quantity Discounts issue where text in the quantity discounts section displayed unknown characters (Forum topic)
FIXED: WPBakery Glasses demo import (Forum topic)
FIXED: Customizer compatibility styles issues with WordPress v6.7.
FIXED: CSS improves
- ADDED: Ability to add social sign-up forms for registration (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Shop/Blog lazy loading stack when no more query results are available
- FIXED: Single product primary attribute display when no thumbnail gallery is present (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Elementor-based price filter (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Product filters compatibility with plugins that add "et_ajax['in_progress']" statement
- FIXED: Theme version check when update transient is removed (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Elementor single product builder when product brands are disabled (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Elementor shop page widgets (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Import issue for the "Beauty and cosmetics" demo
- FIXED: Theme update check notice (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Variation swatches for mobile (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Pricing filter (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Accordion issue with clickable action (Massive Addons) (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Header popup search now redirects to the Search page (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Text button icon animation (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout header structure (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Quantity discounts feature no longer conflicts with the Swatches feature
- ADDED: "Email removal" text option for Waitlist functionality
- ADDED: Compatibility with the 'Product Filters for WooCommerce' plugin
- ADDED: Compatibility with the 'BeRocket AJAX Filters' plugin (Forum topic)
- ADDED: New label based on product date (modified date or created date)
- ADDED: Bordered design, Inline style, Content top alignment, Nowrap product title, and Head alignment options for XStore Elementor Header off-canvas elements (cart, wishlist, waitlist, mobile menu) (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Loading of Customizer Header builder when the header based on Elementor does not meet the conditions to display it
- FIXED: Broken display of the waitlist popup with some plugins (Forum topic)
- FIXED: XStore Search results builder layout with Customizer Header builder (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Alignment of order details on My Account page (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Auto-scroll to the comment form on single posts (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Quantity discount sales booster feature (Forum topic)
- FIXED: PHP fatal error in Elementor editor on Cart page in some cases (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs on the order pay page when Cart/Checkout advanced layout option is active (Forum topic 01), (Forum topic 02)
- FIXED: Icon display in Elementor's My Account page widget navigation (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Shop page filter in category (Forum topic)
- FIXED: AJAX product category with Spotlight Elementor element (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Variation options for out-of-stock products (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Critical error in multisite WordPress installation (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Quick View ‘Add to Cart’ button (Forum topic)
- IMPROVED: XStore Waitlist database queries
- IMPROVED: JavaScript scripts with jQuery 4.0.0
- IMPROVED: Swatches database queries
- IMPROVED: The ability to display custom product meta for the single product builder based on Elementor (Forum topic)
- IMPROVED: Floating panel icons display (Forum topic)
- IMPROVED: Search results visibility in Elementor popup (Forum topic)
- UPDATED: Single page import (Forum topic)
- DEV: Added "etheme_product_meta_element_render" filter
- DEV: Added action for third-party plugins to modify "etheme-add-to-cart-form" - Elementor builder: `etheme_single_product_unpurchasable_after_add_to_cart` `etheme_single_product_out_of_stock_after_add_to_cart`
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.3.3
- ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.24.4
- ADDED: Compatibility with Wordpress 6.6.2
- ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Plants Store"
- ADDED: Ability to display external video placeholders in Customizer -> WooCommerce (Shop) -> Single Product Page -> Layout. (Forum topic)
- ADDED: "Show likes count" option for the Elementor Instagram widget.
- ADDED: "Show comments count" option for the Elementor Instagram widget.
- ADDED: "Hide empty meta" option for the Elementor Instagram widget (hides counts if empty or equal to 0).
- ADDED: "One select" query type for the "XStore - Swatches filter." (Forum topic)
- ADDED: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts Premium plugin (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of class WP_Taxonomy could not be converted to string. (Screenshot) | (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Resolved issues with the `prepare_tax_slug()` function.
- FIXED: Linked variations for attributes with three or more words (e.g., 'Main Material Color'). (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Import functionality for custom fonts.
- FIXED: Brands appearing in the filter unrelated to the category page. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Linked variations for different registered variation names/slugs (e.g., CoLoURe).
- FIXED: Linked variations in case a linked plugin was used before XStore. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Instagram meta display for likes and comments. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Products not showing on the shopping page and search bar issues. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Import functionality for WPBakery single pages. (Forum topic) | (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Double import popup on the single page editor with WPBakery and Elementor enabled simultaneously.
- FIXED: Translation issues for XStore default widgets (Customizer -> Widgets).
- FIXED: (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Spotlight category title alignment with AJAX filters.
- FIXED: Count of products on sale in the Spotlight Categories Elementor widget. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Translations for empty waitlist page. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Alignment of the Safe & Secure Checkout title heading. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Position of the fake sales popup on the single product page. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Incorrect position of the text button icon in the Elementor widget.
- FIXED: Various issues related to the waitlist feature. (Forum topic)
- FIXED: Search analytics functionality with multilingual plugins. (Forum topic)
- DEV: Added `et_force_instagram_meta` filter (false by default).
ADDED: Compatibility with the WooSubscription plugin.
FIXED: Issue with quantity discounts not displaying correctly when product stock is limited.
FIXED: Null value appearing in Ajax search results.
FIXED: Issue with YouTube videos not displaying correctly in WPBakery accordion elements.
FIXED: Import issues with the "Car Parts" demo data.
- ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Architecture Studio"
- ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Games Dark"
- ADDED: Built-in XStore Waitlist (Back in stock notify)
- ADDED: Built-in XStore Search analytics (Booster Sales)
- ADDED: Template overrides parser feature
- ADDED: My Account page builder based on Elementor (includes new widgets)
- ADDED: Posts Archive builder based on Elementor (includes new widgets)
- ADDED: Single Post builder based on Elementor (includes new widgets)
- ADDED: Projects Elementor widget
- ADDED: Projects Chess Elementor widget
- ADDED: Projects Timeline Elementor widget
- ADDED: Projects Tabs Elementor widget
- ADDED: Projects Carousel Elementor widget
- ADDED: Linked Variations Products - Link Separate Products Together by Size, Color, and More
- ADDED: Masonry option for XStore Archive Products Elementor widget
- ADDED: Current Query option for the Elementor Posts Grid widget
- ADDED: Current Query option for the Elementor Posts Carousel widget
- ADDED: Current Query option for the Elementor Posts Chess widget
- ADDED: Current Query option for the Elementor Posts Timeline widget
- ADDED: Related Posts query option for the Elementor Posts Grid widget
- ADDED: Related Posts query option for the Elementor Posts Carousel widget
- ADDED: Related Posts query option for the Elementor Posts Chess widget
- ADDED: Related Posts query option for the Elementor Posts Timeline widget
- ADDED: Query source (live reviews) for the Elementor Testimonials widget
- ADDED: Access key option for Maintenance Mode (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Adobe Fonts options (Screenshot) Details
- ADDED: Disable native WordPress lazy loading option (found in Theme Options -> Speed Optimization)
- ADDED: "Add to cart" text hidden on devices (option) for XStore Elementor Archive Products widget
- ADDED: "Add to cart" text hidden on devices (option) for XStore Elementor Products Grid widget
- ADDED: "Add to cart" text hidden on devices (option) for XStore Elementor Products List widget
- ADDED: "Add to cart" text hidden on devices (option) for XStore Elementor Products Carousel widget
- ADDED: XStore Wishlist statistics in the dashboard (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Show results in new tab" option for the XStore Elementor Header AJAX Search widget
- ADDED: "Show out-of-stock products at the end" option
- ADDED: Searched Products Elementor widget
- ADDED: Searched Posts Elementor widget
- ADDED: Searched Projects Elementor widget
- ADDED: Compatibility for XStore Elementor Header with WPML Multicurrency (Forum topic)
- ADDED: XStore Elementor Archive Second Description widget Details (Forum topic)
- FIXED: XStore Control Panel dark/light mode on some panel pages
- FIXED: Refactored backend JS scripts
- FIXED: Broken styles of XStore page/post/product options on initial creation (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Fatal error in some cases with the Floating Menu (Sales Booster feature) (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Loading of Sales Booster floating menu/fake sale popup queries in the admin panel Details
- FIXED: Broken structure on Cart/Checkout pages with advanced layout active (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Customizer Google Fonts as self-hosted fonts
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Horizontal Timeline widget
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Hotspot widget
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Icon Box Carousel widget
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Posts Tabs widget
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Price Table widget
- IMPROVED: Repeater options in the Elementor editor for the XStore Vertical Timeline widget (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Backend loading of styles/scripts for WPBakery elements now only occurs if the WPBakery plugin is active Details
- IMPROVED: Reduced redundant option retrievals from 291 times to just 1 time
- IMPROVED: Marked the Portfolio page in the dashboard (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Marked the Maintenance page in the dashboard (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: XStore Elementor Spotlight Categories widget with AJAX (not user-facing)
- UPDATED: XStore AI model default due to the deprecation of the Davinci 003 model (Screenshot)
- REMOVED: etheme_get_footer_widget_class()
- REMOVED: etheme_products_menu_layout() Details
- REMOVED: etheme_fullscreen_products() Details
- OPTIMIZED: Calling for White Label settings in the dashboard Details
- OPTIMIZED: System status requirements validations
- OPTIMIZED: Loading of JS/CSS config files multiple times on the frontend
- DEV: Added "etheme_posts_post_taxonomy_tax_query" filter in Elementor Posts Grid widget (Forum topic)