XenForo Importers

XenForo Importers 1.5.3

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  • Do not attempt to import category slugs from Discourse
  • Properly import Discourse content which was soft-deleted by a user who no longer exists
XenForo Importers 1.5.0 is now available for all licensed customers to download. If you have already successfully completed your import, you will not need to upgrade.

XenForo Importers 1.5.0 introduces a new importer to the suite of existing importers. Namely, Discourse! If you're thinking of joining XenForo but you're currently running your community on Discourse 2.0 or above, please try out our new beta Discourse importer and let us know how you get on.

XenForo Importers requires XenForo 2.2.5 or later.
XenForo Importers 1.4.1 is now available for all licensed customers to download. If you have already successfully completed your import, you will not need to upgrade.

Some of the changes in XFI 1.4.1 include:

  • Handle more inactive user cases when importing users from phpBB
  • Ensure only one set of import nodes are created during parallel imports
  • Prevent an error when importing from IPS if a user has an empty set of admin permissions.
  • Correctly import nested forums from SMF with the correct parent forum.
  • When importing from SMF, make sent conversations visible if they were in a user's "outbox".
  • When importing warnings, ensure we never import a warning with an empty title.
  • When importing users from vB5 ensure we import the authentication data into the correct handler.
  • When rewriting embedded attachments for vBulletin 5 ensure the replacements made aren't too "greedy".
  • Properly import all IPS status comments
XenForo Importers requires XenForo 2.2 or later.
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