Some of the changes in XF 2.3.6 include:
- Fix upgrades from XF 1 not having the correct xf_job table schema changes applied
- Fix an issue with updating multiple variation menu icons
- Fix some issues with HCaptcha
- Fix cookie third-party for X media site
- Remove bluesky_logo from template function list
- Attempt to sync PayPal REST API with current product name.
- Fix an issue with Less_Tree_Dimension
XenForo 2.3.5 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.3 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
In addition to the usual bug fixes, XenForo 2.3.5 includes a critical security fix for any customers making use of OAuth2 where client applications may be able to request unauthorized scopes. This will affect any customer using OAuth2 clients on any version of XenForo 2.3 prior to 2.3.5.
Directly from your admin control panel
If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.
Some of the changes in XF 2.3.5 include:
- Fix unassociated attachment limit checks
- Clamp client-side color contrast evaluations
- Appropriately load tweets after page load.
- Update Twitter connected account references to X.
- Fix X (formerly Twitter) connected account
- Ensure xf_oauth_client and xf_oauth_request have primary keys.
- Allow a Passkey credential_id to occupy up to 1024 characters.
- Make code editor search highlighting similar to editor selection color.
- Remove unused jQuery snippet.
- Fix reactions tabs for direct message replies.
- Support multiple variation menus when updating variations
- Fix number box handling when step value is any
- Fix a server error when no custom error phrase is specified for an error response
- Improve type hinting of schema manager closures
- Properly reset write-pending status when calling Entity::saveIfChanged
- Fix server error when log search results return a record for a deleted user
- Properly represent field and prefix user group IDs as a list of unique sorted integers
- Support lazy-loading variation pictures
- Suppress PhpStorm warnings in class extension hint files
- Fix unstable sort order for class extension output
- Fix potentially undefined array key when determining an entity cover image
- Properly validate OAuth client redirect URIs
- Pass import command interactive state to import-finalize command
- Improve BBCode HTML rendering PHP 8.3 compatibility
- Do not escape HTML when rendering custom field titles in the control panel
- Allow saving cookie preferences when board is inactive
- Fix duplicate moderated icon in article preview thread titles
- Allow fetching all server globals using \XF\Http\Request::getServerInfo
- Fix incorrect phrase in user change log handler
- Fix handling of null auto-complete results
- Do not scroll to last viewed image when closing the lightbox
- Fix error 'TemplateFinder::searchTitle() accepts 1 parameters but 2 are passed'
- Fix server error getting conversations by ID via API.
- Fix incorrect route format for the OAuth2 account/applications route
- Fix issue where code challenges for public OAuth2 clients could not be verified
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- code_editor.less
- connected_account_associated_x
- connected_account_macros
- core_button.less
- editor_insert_gif
- helper_js_global
- login
- passkeys_macros
- post_article_macros
- share_page_macros
- style_variation_macros
As always, new releases of XenForo are free to download for all customers with active licenses. You may now upgrade from your admin control panel or grab the new version from the customer area.
Please note that XenForo 2.3 has higher system requirements than earlier versions.
The following are minimum requirements:
- PHP 7.2 or newer (PHP 8.3 recommended)
- MySQL 5.7 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
- All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.3.
- Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 7.2.
XenForo 2.3.4 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.3 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
Some of the changes in XF 2.3.4 include:
The following public templates have had changes:
- Include embed.php in hashes.json
- Fix error thrown when feed entry is missing an ID
- Use AbstractCollection for type hint on addContentToBookmarks method
- Fix deprecated usage of str_replace with API scopes
- Improve PHP 8.4 compatibility
- Output hsla in the color picker when an alpha channel is present
- Ensure URLs are valid when analyzing image usage
- Coerce nestable group to a number before peforming strict comparison
- Gracefully handle guest username and style variation containing invalid UTF-8
- Attempt to work-around abysmal Firefox form field retention heuristics
- Gracefully handle when an avatar cannot be processed
- Allow changing style variation when the previously selected style is forced to the default style
- Increase date input width further to accomodate Firefox icon clipping
- Fix editor autofocus behavior when in BBCode mode
- Add a note about some permissions not being applicable to guests
- Fix triggering Facebook embeds for document
- Fix calculation of local load time from navigation timing API
- Fix behavior of preview buttons
- Consider read-only number-box inputs as disabled
- Make required and recommended function checks more robust
- Allow null unique ID when enqueuing a job later
- Make report creation notifications easier to extend
- Attempt to work around aggressive Firefox auto-complete heuristics when editing a user
- Fix broken JS handlers when loading comments via AJAX
- Fix an issue with editing newly translated phrases
- Split ExifReader library out of attachment manager bundle
- Attempt to work around aggressive Firefox auto-complete heuristics on control panel index
- Fix number input buttons when step is set to any
- Fix some icon usage analysis issues when editing and deleting editor drop-downs and BBCodes
- Only record icon usage for active BBCodes and editor dropdowns
- Omit itemid microdata attribute when there is no valid user
- Ensure all control panel functionality is covered by permissions
- Handle invalid multiquote input more gracefully
- Attempt to avoid featured content carousel pager text overlap
- Only try to remove double quotes from URL strings once
- Set default color picker color to white instead of transparent
- Fix some issues with the JS icon renderer and BBCode previews
- Handle invalid session IDs more gracefully
- Do not mark unhidden usernames as aria-hidden
- Fix direction of back arrow on RTL languages
- Improve text node handling in XF.setupHtmlInsert
- Ignore Thumbs.db in style archive validator
- Fix structured list icon end cell padding
- Fix an issue with deferred resize event listener after autofocus
- Skip any file duplicates when importing banned emails
- Mark multiple consecutive asterisks as an invalid term word on MySQL full-text searches
- Make the default table collation configurable
- Fix calculation of report closure notifiable users
- Ensure PayPal products are created with a unique ID.
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
- approval_queue_macros
- carousel.less
- core_input.less
- fancybox.less
- helper_attach_upload
- lightbox.less
- message_macros
- profile_post_macros
- structured_list.less
If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.
Some of the changes in XF 2.3.3 include:
- Fix select-to-quote handler error on soft-deleted threads
- Ignore port if Redis host appears to be a file path
- Fix a few cases where hashes were concatenated instead of passed to router
- Fix flickering issue with JS icon renderer
- Fix expandable content transition class callback
- Use correct finder when looking up Stripe subscriber IDs
- Do not attempt to set RSS feed language if no language code is set
- Check if job table exists before attempting to sync structure
- Fix issues serializing nestable elements which contain unrelated lists
- Adjust some automatic alert read-marking behaviors
- Adjust offset of focus-visible tab outline
- Re-enable caching for tag edit overlay
- Fix error handling for fetching/creating PayPal products and plans
- Fix determining locale from language code for string manipulation
- Ensure points phrase is used in trending weights.
- Optimize string transliteration performance
- Override some missing phrases for token inputs.
- Reduce trending content widget queries
- Fix embedding Imgur galleries and applying JS states
- Romanize heading anchors
- Do not force romanization for category anchors
- Fix merging reactions with multiple source reactions from deleted users
- Do not cache report overlays
- Fix Tagify filtering out non-exact matches unexpectedly
- Set 1:1 aspect-ratio on connected account provider icons
- Use the editorButtonSelectedBg property for active editor button backgrounds
- Fix DM icon clipping on desktop Safari
- Fix phrase method casing in icon option handler
- Perform client-size image optimization even when no maximum image width/height is set
- Fix checking if Rocket Loader is disabled in the middle of an upgrade
- Throw an error when attempting to recursively load config file
- Fix string style property variations support for properties without assets enabled
- Prevent double logging of moderator changes for threads when editing first post
- Adjust width of inline time inputs
- Check private use TLDs when determining if a host is local
- Fix some issues with appending filter rows
- Use XF.setupHtmlInsert for filter AJAX responses
- Allow passing HTMLElement objects to alerts
- Fix support for alternative icon variants in custom BB codes
- Fix fetching default avatar when templater style is not set
- Address some phrases which reference conversations
- Handle unexpected values in cookie consent cookie
The following public templates have had changes:
- account_banner
- app_nav.less
- conversation_message_macros
- core_block.less
- core_button.less
- core_input.less
- core_tab.less
- editor_override.less
- helper_js_global
- member_view
- passkeys_macros
- post_macros
- profile_post_macros
- tag_macros
- token_input
Today we are releasing XenForo 2.3.0 Release Candidate 5. While the majority of this release is focusing on bug fixes and stability, there are a few noteworthy changes.
Automatic legacy file clean up
XenForo installations after upgrading to XenForo 2.3 will have a number of files sitting in the file system which are no longer used. Any XenForo installation that has been around for a while, will to a lesser extent, have a similar issue. These files on their own shouldn't present any issue, but at the same time, keeping them around doesn't make much sense either.
There are three approaches to cleaning up legacy files automatically.
Firstly, to clarify some concerns that have arisen:
1. If you did a normal upgrade (either uploading files or via your admin control panel) you do not need to manually edit any files to receive the security fixes.
2. If you upgraded to the initial 2.2.16 release, you are fully protected against the security issues that were being addressed.
Secondly, a second patch is being released to address some minor bug fixes that may not have been correctly applied when upgrading to XenForo 2.2.16. This is only applicable if you performed a normal upgrade to 2.2.16, and this patch is not security related or affected by the security fixes.
You can download that now from your customer area or perform a one-click upgrade through your admin control panel. You can go to Tools > Check for upgrades in order to see the second patch release.
If you are running XenForo Cloud, the fixes have been applied automatically.
As we get ever closer to the fabled "release candidate" stage and the eventual stable release, today we are releasing the eighth beta for XenForo 2.3! Nothing particularly noteworthy this week other than a number of bug fixes.
We strongly recommend anyone testing 2.3 during this beta period upgrade as each beta version is released.
Welcome to 2.3.0 Beta 7! Since our last release we have been mostly focusing again on bug fixes and stability, though we do have an interesting change to note related to multibyte strings, specifically URL romanization. If available, we now use the intl extension and perform a multi-layered process for normalizing and transliterating strings. This is now much more intelligent as it handles some special cases for certain locales (based on the default language of the forum).
We also have a new option for controlling the output of emojis in URLs. You can leave them URL encoded, remove them, or convert them to a string based on the emoji name. This also requires the intl extension.