WPMU Dev SmartCrawl Pro

WPMU Dev SmartCrawl Pro 3.10.8

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Ranking higher on Google requires a team effort.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business WPMU Dev SmartCrawl Pro 3.10.8 version on NullPro Community. It is rar Extention type and 4.4 MB File size. From WPMU Dev SmartCrawl Pro have 1 Description Attachments, 24 discussion, 24 Updates, 322 Views.

SmartCrawl Pro Features
Ranking higher on Google requires a team effort. Here are the SmartCrawl features working together to help you perform better on Google
  • SEO Checkups & ReportsOptimize your sites for search engines and social media with built-in SEO checkups and integrated Google Lighthouse audit.
  • Titles & Meta DescriptionsTake advantage of 40+ macros and customize how your meta titles and meta descriptions display on search pages.
  • Leverage Social MediaCustomize the look of your social posts with OpenGraph. Connect your social profiles so search engines give you credit when your content is shared.
  • Automatic Sitemap UpdateAutomatically update your sitemap and submit to search engines when you publish new pages, posts, post types, or taxonomies.
  • Site Scans & ReportsCrawl your site to check the status of your sitemap and to identify URL issues that may reduce your ability to rank in search engines.
  • Full Schema SupportSmartCrawl has full support for default schema types and makes it easy for you to let search engines know what your data means, not just what it says.
  • In-Depth Content AnalysisSmartCrawl's SEO and readability analysis helps to give your content the best chance of ranking highly, as well as being easy for the average person to read.
  • Automatic LinkingConfigure SmartCrawl to automatically link certain keywords to a page on your blog, or even a whole new site altogether.
  • Easy 301 RedirectsWant to keep traffic flowing to an updated page? Automatically redirect traffic from one URL to another with SmartCrawl's URL redirection tool.
  • Quick Import/ExportAlready established your ideal SEO setup? Quickly import or export your custom SmartCrawl SEO settings.
  • Integrate With MozSee how your site stacks up against the competition. Easily connect your Moz reports and comparison analysis - including rank and links.
  • Schema Types BuilderAdd and customize the properties of schema markup types including: Article, Web Page, Rating and Review, Products, Local Business, and more.
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4.4 MB
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Latest updates

3.10.8 - 2024-06-03
- Fix: Regex Redirection rules not working under certain conditions
3.10.7 Nulled - 2024-05-28
- Enhance: Data tracking improvements - Fix: Advanced Tools missing from modules and sub menu...
3.10.6 Nulled - 2024-05-10
- Fix: SEO Health checkup is failing.
3.10.5 Nulled - 2024-04-23
- Fix: Broken posts metabox.
3.10.3 Nulled - 2023-04-18
- Enhance: Security improvements.

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