Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme 2.1.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessWpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme 2.1.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 14.1 MB File size. From Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 79 Views.

WpCast is the fastest and most professional way to create your audio podcast website in WordPress, with non stop music player and integrations with Apple Podcast (ex iTunes Podcast), and Google Podcast. It’s also compatible with Libsyn, Anchor.fm and Blubrry.

Wpcast is a fresh and fast WordPress theme to create your responsive podcast website with ease, and doesn’t require any programming skill. Wpcast is very flexible, allowing a wide range of customizations including fonts, colors, logo and design. The podcast publishing experience with this theme is a breeze and doesn’t take more than a couple of seconds. You can arrange podcasts by series, by author or by topic, and each archive will generate a valid podcast RSS feed useful for every feed subscription and reader, and for external aggregators as Apple Podcast or Google Podcast.

Wpcast is also compatible with the most popular plugins as Seriously Simple Podcast and PowerPress, making it easier to manage and craft in detail your podcast publishing, and allowing to import your episodes from pre-existing archives as Libsyn or Blubrry. You can host the mp3 files on external platforms or on your same Wordpress media library.

The theme comes packed of extra functionalities that extend the basic WordPress capabilities, transforming your website in the perfect Podcasting platform.
Extention type
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14.1 MB
First release
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Latest updates

  1. 2.1.0 - 2024 January 24
    [x] Theme Core update [x] Google Font V2 support [x] ReAktions plugin update [x] Twitter X icon

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