WP Offload Media Pro

WP Offload Media Pro 3.2.11 Nulled

No permission to download

Amazon S3 regions Asia Pacific (Thailand) and Mexico (Central) are now selectable
  • Amazon S3 region Asia Pacific (Malaysia) is now selectable
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.319.4
  • PHP and JS dependencies have been updated
Bug Fixes

  • Accessing media libraries with millions of offloaded items is now much faster
  • Delivery status indicator is now more accurate when Amazon S3 Object Ownership is configured in combination with a delivery provider other than Amazon CloudFront
  • Corrupt _wp_attachment_metadata no longer causes a fatal error when offloading media
  • The WooCommerce integration once again includes the minified woocommerce.min.js script
  • The WooCommerce integration has been confirmed to be compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • The Elementor integration no longer throws errors when encountering unexpected data

  • Amazon S3 regions Canada West (Calgary), Asia Pacific (Melbourne) and Israel (Tel Aviv) are now selectable
  • DigitalOcean region Bangalore (BLR1) is now selectable
  • Google Cloud Storage regions Europe (Berlin), Europe (Turin), Middle East (Doha) and Middle East (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) are now selectable


  • The as3cf_object_meta filter now also runs during storage settings validation

Bug Fixes

  • WP-CLI now recognizes WP Offload Media updates
  • Smart Plugin Manager now updates WP Offload Media on WordPress Multisite
  • WooCommerce integration no longer breaks when failing to resolve downloadable product path
  • Legacy amazon_s3 shortcodes used for WooCommerce product files with apostrophes no longer cause a database error
  • Private media URLs now work as expected in audio and video shortcodes
  • Performance improved for ACF image fields when filesize metadata is missing for offloaded and removed files
  • URLs for offloaded media in ACF URL and link fields are now properly rewritten
  • Media library files with apostrophes in their filenames no longer cause database errors
  • URL rewriting no longer breaks slashed serialized data with NULL values
  • URL rewriting on a dev site now works without a bucket being set
  • Bug fix: Newly added rotated images no longer fail to automatically offload
  • Bug fix: Saving settings no longer prevented when access credentials are missing but bucket is set
  • Bug fix: Changing delivery provider no longer prevented when delivery settings are incomplete