WP All Import Pro

WP All Import Pro 4.8.8

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  • improvement: ensure temporary files never use a .php extension
  • bug fix: restore old CSV encoding conversion behavior
  • bug fix: orders cannot be matched by order meta
  • bug fix: SFTP imports fail to run via cron in some cases
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Reactions: coputersert
  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • bug fix: do not automatically deactivate old versions of the WooCommerce Import Add-On
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Reactions: coputersert
  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • bug fix: PHP 8.2 fatal error when importing some Excel files
  • bug fix: PHP 8.2 fatal error when file cannot be written in some cases
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Reactions: coputersert
  • minimum WordPress version: 5.0
  • minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • note: WooCommerce Import Add-On 4.0.0+ is required to import orders
  • new setting: add 'Do not create new terms' setting on Edit Template page
  • improvement: better PHP 8.2 support
  • improvement: include example cron commands on Scheduling Options modal
  • improvement: better import file preview loading
  • improvement: enable updating taxonomy description image URLs when using 'Scan through post content...' option
  • improvement: enable matching review products by title
  • improvement: replace tmpfile() call with wp_tempnam() to avoid host restrictions
  • bug fix: preview modal isn't scrollable in some cases
  • bug fix: resolve 'change missing' loop in some cases when products have backorders enabled
  • bug fix: resolve fatal error when taxonomies are set to update but the WooCommerce Add-On isn't active
  • bug fix: navigating import file preview shows incorrectly numbered records
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Reactions: coputersert
  • minimum required WP version: 5.0
  • minimum required PHP version: 7.2.5
  • improvement: remove wp_navigation from Step 1 dropdown
  • improvement: fix PHP 8 deprecated notice
  • improvement: add new filter 'wp_all_import_hash_ignore_options'
  • bug fix: match existing terms by ID
  • bug fix: ensure records added with an 'Existing Items' import are recognized by the options to modify missing records
  • bug fix: ensure "History file not found' message doesn't remain when file is valid
  • bug fix: avoid fatal error while editing import when import file has been deleted outside of WP All Import
  • bug fix: ensure correct import IDs are processed when running multiple imports sequentially via WP-CLI
  • bug fix: don't invalidate unchanged record hash when import 'security' option value changes
  • bug fix: allow using an 'Existing Items' import that only removes products that aren't in the import file
  • bug fix: file preview shows incorrect record order in some cases
  • bug fix: PHP8 fatal error when updating Scheduling configuration in limited cases
  • new feature: edit import filters on import 'Edit Template' screen
  • bug fix: allow saving custom fields '0' values
  • bug fix: do not duplicate images when they contain dimensions in the name
  • bug fix: infinite loop when performing 'missing post' actions in some cases
  • bug fix: undefined variable $import notice
  • bug fix: resolve notice when $attch variable not defined
  • improvement: use wp_trash_post when sending posts to trash
  • improvement: resolve PHP 8.x deprecated items
  • improvement: allow more strings to be translated with _e
  • improvement: use wp_add_inline_script instead of localize where appropriate
  • improvement: add setting to disable the 'I HAVE BACKUPS' prompt
  • improvement: better handling when expected files are not found or have the wrong permissions
  • improvement: ensure the run import screen correctly shows what fields are set to update
  • improvement: add nonce to clean up logs action
  • improvement: allow specifying templates for post types other than pages
  • improvement: replace deprecated get_page_by_title function
  • improvement: ensure correct version of PCLZIP is used with WP All Import
  • improvement: ensure history file path returns correctly regardless of import file source
  • improvement: ensure wp_read_video_metadata function exists before calling
  • improvement: ensure import file preview sections can be expanded on Edit Template screen
  • improvement: allow changing stock status for missing existing products
  • improvement: call pmxi_before_delete_post hook as needed when running via WP-CLI
  • improvement: don't show 'hidden' imports when listing via WP-CLI
  • improvement: don't assign parent when parent field is empty
  • improvement: allow importing emojis from JSON files
  • improvement: improve wp_all_import_get_import_id to work when running multiple imports via WP-CLI
  • improvement: better record matching for delete missing option
  • improvement: better existing image matching when importing images from Content