* Updated: Added design compatibility for "WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager" plugin.
* Feature: Admin menu items can now be set to open in a new tab. Thanks to @leopoldyys for the request. [Support Thread](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-admin-menu-link-open-at-the-same-page/)
* Fixed: Resolved submenu hiding issue for custom user roles.
* Feature: Introduced 'enable_jltwp_adminify_menu_editor_render' filter to manage admin menu editor functionality.
* Fixed: Menu visibility settings now correctly apply to custom user roles. Thanks to @aschunk for reporting. [Support Thread](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-roles-dont-hide-menu/)
* Fixed: Dashboard welcome widget design and functionality issues.
* Fixed: WooCommerce report and analytics layout issue.
* Update: Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version.
* Update: Applied a security patch to enhance the plugin's security.
* Fixed: Resolved issue where plugin conflict notice was not dismissible.
* Fixed: made the folder sticky.
* Fixed: Getting fatal error in discount notice. Thanks @peopleinside Support URL:https://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-constant-12/
* Fixed: Adminify admin bar top secondary menu item show/hide logic not working
* Fixed: Adminify dashboard widget rule for YouTube videos
* Fixed: Adminify dashboard widget rule for Vimeo videos
* Fixed: Adminify admin bar dropdown not closing until clicked on the admin bar
* Fixed: Adminify dashboard widget design issue for background icon
* Fixed: Added condition to show line icon in the admin menu while Adminify UI is not enabled
* Fixed: Added condition to show FontAwesome icon in the admin menu while Adminify UI is not enabled
* Fixed: Changed custom image icon style for the admin menu while Adminify UI is not enabled
* Fixed: Added condition to show Simple Line icon in the admin menu while Adminify UI is enabled
* Fixed: Optimized the previous script for getting the icon
* Fixed: Post duplicator not working as expected for custom post types and custom user role issue
* Fixed: Admin menu items not changing if a plugin or function removed.
* Updated: Freemius SDK version 2.11.0 updated
* Updated: Adminify UI design for forms
* Feature: Added support for the Thrive Page Builder
* Feature: Added support for the LatePoint plugin
* Feature: Added support for the SureCart plugin
* Feature: Added support for the SureMembers plugin.
* Feature: Added support for the SureTrigger plugin.
* Fixed: WP Adminify admin panel admin bar adding & on url dynamically. Thanks to @mahuabd, Support URL: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/automatically-adding-amp-in-url/
* Fixed: WP Adminify admin panel admin bar missing other plugins icon
* Feature: Added preloader for admin panel
* Feature: Added Adminify UI for Guttenberg editor.
* Fixed: WP Adminify admin menu custom url and admin page url swicthing issue.
* Fixed: Admin menu custom menu icon support for Simple Line Icon and FontAwesome Icon.
* Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss module conflict notice in admin panel
* Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss plugin update info notice
* Fixed: Solved admin menu not expanding in mobile version issue
* Fixed: Schedule Dark Mode warning issue fixed
* Fixed: Account URL issue from Plugins page fixed
* Updated: String Typo on several places fixed
* Updated: Add Separator for Free and Pro issue fixed