* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.3
* Fix: Added validation to prevent new coupon application if 'individual use' coupons are already applied in the classic cart
* Fix: The coupon with the 'For New User Only' and 'Auto Apply' features was being incorrectly applied to all users, instead of being limited to new customers only
* Fix: Coupon applied by 1-click was not reflecting immediately
* Fix: The wpdb:😛repare function was called incorrectly during the reset of the Smart Coupons custom table
* Developer: Added method 'generate_coupon_url' and filter hook 'wc_sc_generate_coupon_url' for handling & managing coupon URLs
* Update: A few file versions and added context in some translated strings
* Update: Translations
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.2
* Fix: NULL value is getting set in Smart Coupons custom table where only boolean value is allowed
* Fix: In some cases, discounts are applying twice [WC Blocks]
* Update: Removed cart & checkout block info from WooCommerce > Status as it's already available under WooCommerce > Status > WooCommerce Pages
* Update: URL cleanup by removing un-required parameter
* Update: Translations
* Fix: Store Credit with product category restrictions does not respect the 'Apply before tax' setting
* Fix: The applied store credit amount is also included under 'Coupons' on the order admin page
* Fix: Undefined array key 'no_of_coupons_to_generate'
* Fix: Not using WooCommerce's setting for decimal during the price calculations for a 100 percent discount
* Fix: Coupons are not re-validating, and cart totals are not updating when the billing email changes during checkout
* Update: Translations
* Fix: Query to fetch coupons failing when the customer's account email & billing email is same
* New: Added tools for specific plugin tasks
* Fix: Issue with importing coupons via CSV
* Update: Improved performance
* Update: Translations
* Fix: Coupons passed in URL is not getting applied in block-based cart & checkout
* Fix: Applied store credit showing the amount as zero when store credit discount is inclusive of tax
* Update: Translations
* Fix: Restricting nonce verification so that it doesn't affect AJAX request of other plugin
* Fix: Normalized file path for imported file for all platforms
* Fix: Ensured consistent tax amount across cart, checkout, order admin, and email [WooCommerce Block]
* Update: Translations
* New: Coupon option to 'Apply discount on' cheapest or costliest items of the cart
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on bool in class-wc-sc-product-columns.php
* Fix: Available coupons not visible in cart [WooCommerce Block]
* Update: Translations
* Fix: PHP Fatal error - Unsupported operand types string * int
* Update: Revamp 'Store Credit' calculation while creating manual orders from admin panel
* Update: Translations
* Fix: When Smart Coupons is active and WooCommerce is deactivated, it results in a fatal error
* Fix: The same block of JavaScript code is being added multiple times on the Checkout page
* Update: Added translation for the entire DateTimePicker of the plugin
* Update: Added information about whether the cart and the checkout page are block-enabled or not, under WooCommerce > Status
* Update: Improved the format of the data shown by the plugin and the format of the data coming in the report from the page WooCommerce > Status
* Update: Removed an extra space from the link 'Smart Coupons Settings' on the 'Bulk generate' page
* Update: Translations