WooCommerce PDF Vouchers - Ultimate Gift Cards WordPress Plugin

WooCommerce PDF Vouchers - Ultimate Gift Cards WordPress Plugin 5.1.2 Nulled

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New: Added Unlimited Voucher Code Short code for Front End.
Fix: Optimized the plugin code for improved performance.
* [*] Fix: Addressed the fatal error issue during CSV export.<br>* [*] Fix: Resolved the problem with multi-click redemption.<br>* [+] New: Introduced a new input field type selection (text and button &amp; text) at the product level for the "Pay Your Price" feature.
* [+] New: Added setting for Recipient Custom Field at global level.
* [+] New: Added popup containing a list of shortcodes into the voucher template.
* [+] New: Added a support of Woo-Express Checkout.
* [*] Fix: Fixed an Custom Font issue of compatibility with Multi Language Characters support Add-on.
New: Added a support of License manager panel on License activation page
New: Added HPOS compatibility.
Fix: Optimzsed the plugin Code.
* [+] New: Added feature of quick QR login for vendors.
* [+] New: Added a feature of quick redemption upon scanning voucher QR code.
* [+] Fix: Optimize the plugin code for WC coupon generation.
* [+] Fix: Improved compatibility with Name Your Price plugin.