WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers

WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers 3.12.9

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* Fix: Unexpected voucher amount when using Name Your Price plugin
* Fix - Address an issue in some HPOS environments where a duplicate email would be sent upon voucher status change
* Fix - Improve compatibility with Elementor to ensure no fatal errors are thrown when trying to invoke the plugin's template functions
* Misc - Check plugin compatibility with the cart and checkout blocks
* Misc - Improve compatibility with PHP 8.2+
* Misc - Update DomPDF library to v2.0.4
* Fix - Replace deprecated `get_page_by_title` with `get_posts` when getting a voucher by number
* Fix - Prevent deprecation notices about creation of dynamic properties in `WC_PDF_Product_Vouchers`
* Misc - Update DomPDF library to v2.0.1