WooCommerce Dropshipping

WooCommerce Dropshipping 5.1.2

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* Fix: PLUGINS-2500 - Fix PHP warnings on order status transition preventing correct workflow for suppliers.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2494 - Profit Calculator Fix PHP Errors when values are Undefined.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2575 - Implement authentication for REST API endpoint access via CBE.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2571 - Add a permission callback to the REST API endpoint to restrict access.
* Fix: PLUGINS-1936 - Dropshipping Dashboard inaccessible because of memory limit.
* Add: PLUGINS-2120 - Add support for variations CSV stock import.
* Update: PLUGINS-2457 - Enhance security for 'send-email' REST API Endpoint.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2466 - Email Template HTML Display Error.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2388 - Woo QI Test Issues.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2233 - Supplier Email Notifications. Saving Settings should remain on same tab.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2100 - Importing of CSV inventory causes fatal error.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2101 - Additional comments not displayed.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2180 - Woo Security Scan Issues.
Fix: PLUGINS-2200 - Dropshipping plugin overwrites custom WooCommerce email templates
* Fix: PLUGINS-2087 - Page Speed Issue. Fix query errors on order page.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2091 - Fix errors related to price calculator and do regression testing for packing slip.