WooCommerce Coupon Referral Program

WooCommerce Coupon Referral Program 1.7.5

No permission to download
* New: Latest WP (6.5.4) and WC (9.0.0) compatibility
* New: Added validation to restrict guest user from the referral dashboard in the product page
* New: Add a small icon next to the order for the referral order tracking
* New: Latest WP(6.5.0) and WC(8.7.0) compatibility.
* New: Fraud prevention by IP Address.
* Enhancement: Adding WC PAR points detail description.
New : Latest WP( 6.4.1 ) and WC( 8.3.1 ) compatibility
New : WC Cart and Checkout Block compatibility
New : Latest WP( 6.3.2 ) and WC( 8.2.1 ) compatibility
New : HPOS compatibility
  • : Latest WP and WC compatibility
  • : Referrals management by the user roles
  • : Categories include/exclude for the discount coupons
  • : Referral Link Redirection
  • : Added some validation for the email and changed the icon for remove button
  • : Layout issue with the popular themes
* New: Allow coupon configuration setting applicable for the referral code
* New: Allow the customer to send the referral email to multiple users.
* New: Discount on the nth referral sign-up
* New: Add shortcodes for emails
* New: Referral code regeneration
* New: Compatible with the latest WP (6.2.0) and WC(7.5.1)
* New: Added a feature to Refer a friend from the product page
* New: Admin can send a referral reminder email to the user
* Enhancement: Remove the help and support section
* Enhancement: Remove the external link in the plugin backend.
* Enhancement: Remove the Nav menu from WooCommerce
* New: Compatible with the latest WP (6.1.1) and WC(7.4.1)