- (ADDED) Menu Color options.
- (ADDED) Menu Font options.
- (UPDATED) EventON calendar 4.5.7, EventOn Asset 2.1.
- (FIXED) Directroy map visiblity issue
- (FIXED) Minor bugs.
- (ADDED) New plugin license dashboard.
- (ADDED) Menu icon option.
- (UPDATED) EventON calendar 4.5.6, WPBakery 7.4.
- (FIXED) Funfacts & Poll migration issue.
- (UPDATED) EventON calendar 4.5.5.
- UPDATED Migrated Project Extension to redux framework.
- UPDATED Migrated BuddyPress Main option to redux framework..
- UPDATED Migrated BuddyPress dynamic field option to redux framework.
- UPDATED Migrated BuddyPress Tab creator option to redux framework.
- UPDATED Revolution Slider 6.6.20.
- FIXED Push notification issue.
- FIXED Minor bugs.
- (UPDATED) Migrated Event Extention to redux framework.
- (UPDATED) Compatibility with Buddypress 12.0.0.
- (UPDATED) Migrated Directory Extention to redux framework.
- (UPDATED) WPBakery 7.3.
- (ADDED) Welcome Page.
- (ADDED) Bundled Unyson in the theme as a temporary solution until we migrated to Redux.
- (UPDATED) WPBakery 7.1, EventON calendar 4.5.3.
- (FIXED) Member directory advanced search.
- (Fixed) Backend loading issue.
August 30th, 2023 - Version 5.2.3
- (Fixed) Personal Calendar visibility issue on BuddPress.
- (Fixed) BuddPress group visibility issue
- (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.16, EventON calendar 4.4.4.
- (Fixed) Personal Calendar visibility issue on BuddPress.
- (Fixed) BuddPress group visibility issue
- (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.16, EventON calendar 4.4.4.
August 21st, 2023 - Version 5.2.2
- (Fixed) Too many redirect issue on previous URL.
- (Fixed) BuddPress activation page layout.
- (Fixed) Minor bugs.
August 14th, 2023 - Version 5.2.1
- (Fixed) Menu responsive issue.
- (UPDATED) WooCommerce compatbility.
- (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.15, WPBackery 7.0, EventON calendar 4.4.3.
- (UPDATED) Woffice documentation, all links has been updated.
July 10th, 2023 - Version 5.2.0
- (Fixed) Compatibility with Paid Membership Pro plugin.
- (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.14, WPBackery 6.13.0, EventON calendar 4.4.1,EventON Full cal 2.0.5.
- (FIXED) Removed DP Pro Event calendar support.
- (Fixed) Too many redirect issue on previous URL.
- (Fixed) BuddPress activation page layout.
- (Fixed) Minor bugs.