WeePie Cookie Allow - Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress

WeePie Cookie Allow - Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress 3.4.9 Nulled

No permission to download
new: added compatibility with WP Rockets Automatic Lazy Rendering
new: added compatibility with the WP Google Maps plugin
new: added compatibility with Avada forms using Google reCAPTCHA
new: added 3rd party item and compatibility with Map List Pro plugin
improved: added possibility to skip blocking of matched content inside HTML body
improved: GTM info on the General settings page by adding a link to the weepie-plugins.com GTM instruction
improved: (WeePie Framework) added new staging url pattern
fixed: Google Maps API URL's with ampersand (&) not being parsed correctly
fixed: Avada lightbox frontend script being blocked
fixed: WP Cookie Allow plugin inline script still being blocked
fixed: (WeePie Framework) PHP 8.x deprecation warnings
fixed: (WeePie Framework) PHP warnings uninitialized string offset
fixed: (WeePie Framework) PHP warnings trying to access array offset on value of type bool
fixed: (WeePie Framework) load plugin textdomain should get called from init hook
added: filter `wpca_fix_src_ampersand` to apply the newly added ampersand fix or not
NEW: Google consent mode (v2)
fixed: data table stylings responsiveness
fixed: custom styles not working (e.g. button colors not loaded)
fixed: SVG icon titles not translatable and removed WeePie Cookie Allow text from it
fixed: the default text for the “click to accept all cookies” button in the placeholder has a typo
fix: PHP 7.4 compatibility syntax error regarding unexpected | character
NEW: choose to block YouTube no-cookie embeds
NEW: compatibility for the Agile Store Locator plugin
NEW: 3rd party: Matomo Tag Manager
NEW: 3rd party: Pixel your site
NEW: 3rd party: Google reCAPTCHA
NEW: 3rd party: Google Analytics (ecommerce)
NEW: 3rd party: Microsoft Clarity
NEW: 3rd party: WhatsApp
fixed: icons sometimes trigger a 403 error (PHP file direct access)
fixed: PHP 8 deprecated warnings (both WeePie Framework / Plugin)
improved: new Framework use of wp_add_inline_script() and wp_add_inline_style()