Webinar and Video Conference with Jitsi Meet Ultimate 1.3.1 Nulled

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Jitsi Meet delivers a flawless and engaging experience for you to host live video meetings directly from the WordPress website

Meeting as a post​

You can turn the meeting created as a post on your website

Built-in Gutenberg block​

Create as many meetings you want with the Gutenberg block in Jitsi Meet

Elementor widget​

You can create meetings from Elementor using shortcode very easily

Embed the meeting post​

Embed the meeting as a post on your website with the simplest shortcode

LMS integration​

Integrate with LearnPress using shortcode from the classic editor on your website

Shortcode support​

Jitsi Meet comes with a shortcode for different purposes to make your life easier

Custom domain​

Create a unique branded name on the URL which identifies your website

Calendar integration​

Schedule meetings from Google, Outlook, and Apple calendar, send invitations to participants as well

WooCommerce integration​

Automate your meetings directly from the WordPress dashboard by linking them to your WooCommerce products automatically

Recurring meeting​

Set a recurring meeting with a unique ID to be used at any time

Registration form​

Allow only registered participants and keep your meeting secured

Meeting transcript​

Audio transcription automatically transcribes the audio of a meeting that you can record too

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Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: Bronze Member
Reactions: tmoneytroy
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3 MB
First release
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  1. 1.3.1 Nulled - 04 JULY 2023
    - Fix: Enhanced affiliate notice mechanism - Fix: Enhanced review notice mechanism -...

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